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ALEX PULLED UP into an old driveway, where she saw Jeremy Gilbert leaning against a car in a huff. Jeremy suddenly perked up as he saw headlights rush towards him. The younger Gilbert took a deep breath in and stood straighter, trying to look the slightest bit intimidating.

Jeremy squinted his eyes as the car stopped a few feet away from him and Alex climbed out. The younger boy sighed in relief as soon as he saw Alex walk towards him in a slight rush.

"Al?" Jeremy questioned, a smile forming on his face.

"Jer!" Alex grinned as Jeremy pulled the girl in a tight hug. "It's been way too long, my young friend." The girl laughed.

"What are you doing here?" The youngest Gilbert asked as the two pulled away from each other.

"Elena called and Damon texted me. Apparently, Kol's here and for some reason they really wanted me to come out, I have no idea why." The girl explained.

"Well, Kol did pretend to be my friend for Klaus or something. How'd you get here so fast?" Jeremy quizzed.

"Damon texted me straight after he stabbed Kol and when Elena called she sounded pretty urgent, so I left quickly. Where are they?"

"How'd you know we were here?"

"I used some old police equipment to track their phones, whoops," Alex winked, causing Jeremy to laugh. "Where is the happy couple anyways?"

"Inside." The boys stated, pointing at the mansion.

"And let me guess, they told you to stay here?"

"Like I'm a child."

"Sounds like Elena," Alex whispered. "I'm gonna go get them."

"Don't be too long!" Jeremy said as Alex began to make her way towards the house.

"I'm older than you, Gilbert. Don't make me beat your ass." The girl called out as she gave him a pointed look. Jeremy grinned in response, letting out a small laugh.

"I'll keep that in mind, Al!" Jeremy chuckled as Alex rolled her eyes playfully before jogging up to the house.

Alex didn't bother knocking as she walked right in, taking her phone out to use as a flashlight. The girl shined her phone around and cringed at the sight. Alex's head immediately perked up as soon as she heard groans and yelling. Her eyes narrowed as she ran down the hall, following the sound. She entered a room and her eyes widened at what she saw.

Kol was hitting Damon a numerous amount of time with a bat, while Elena stood watching, helplessly. Alex's breath hitched in her throat as her eyes landed on the dead woman pinned against the wall. She looked away and snapped back into reality. The doppelgänger noticed the girl had stepped into the scene as she parted her mouth to say something but she was interrupted but Alex running towards Kol.

"Kol!" Alex yelled, grabbing Kol's arm.

Kol stopped mid swing and turned his head to the side. "Alexandra?" The boy questioned, his eyes widening at the sight of the girl but his shocked face was soon replaced with a smirk.

 Human  ↝  Kol Mikaelson [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now