Chapter 7 - Does Being Older Really Anything To Be Proud Of?

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"Now that I think about it, this is kind of dumb."

They were well on their path across the ocean to Hoenn at this point.

"I think we're a little too far out to head back," said Ira, having a hard time believing what she was hearing as she held onto Elron in front of her as to not fall off the Salamence they were riding.

"I suppose you're right. Oh well, guess we're going to Hoenn! Is there anywhere that you want to stop?"

She didn't have to think that over at all. "Yeah, if we could stop at my grandma's house then that would be great."

"Where does she live?"


"Alright! After we stop by my house we'll go there then!"

The dragon looked back at him with squinted eyes. They were eyes that said "am I just a mule today?"

"It's okay Baguette!"

The dragon squinted so hard that it looked like its eyes were closed.

Elron laughed. "Don't worry, I know it's you Bagel. I'm just messing with you."

Bagel shook his head and looked forward.


"Elron! You're home! What a surprise!"

Elron's mom switched off the TV and stood up. She was a woman that looked very much like her son with long, black hair and dark eyes. She walked over to the door and lead him in by the shoulder. "How's Sinnoh? Oh, and who's this?!"

"It's Unova now, and this is Ira."

"Unova?! I can't keep up with you these days. Is she your?"

"Yeah, she's my travelling partner as of a few days ago."

I'm pretty sure that's not what she meant. Ira smiled and waved at his mom. "I'm Ira, nice to meet you."

"Come on in and get comfortable you two! Oh, and Elron, your father is home right now."

"Shoot! Guess we're not staying long then Ira!" Elron did an about face and started his way to the door.

Ira grabbed him by the collar. "Oh no you don't! At least get what we came for!"

"Fine! Just let me go!"

She let him go and he darted up the stairs.

Elron's mom turned to Ira. "Is he looking for something of his? Because it's not up there."

There was a yell from upstairs. "What did you do to my room?!"

There was another voice that answered back in a similar yell. "Nice to see you too Elron! How's Sinnoh?!"

"It's Unova now! And why are you yelling too?!"

"I thought that we were yelling so that your mother could hear us!"

Elron stormed out and ran downstairs. "So I guess you guys redecorated my room?"

"Well, considering how you never come back we figured it was safe to say that you'd moved out officially," his mom replied.

"Yes!" said a man reaching the last step. He had a sailor's outfit that looked awfully similar to Elron's outfit, and a white mustache to rival other mustaches. It was Drake of the Hoenn Elite Four. "So we turned your room into a music room!"

"You guys don't even play any instruments!"

"Yet! We have five guitars now."

Elron sighed. "So where did you put my stuff?"

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