Chapter 10 Black - Is It Never Too Early To Start Anew?

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The night sky was devoid of stars that night. The light from the eternal carnival and the city around it polluted the light and drowned out the beauty of the natural cosmos, leaving only artificial and unsightly lights to brighten up the night.

The somber night was especially strange for Elron and Ira. With the false passing of Granny, the world seemed a little lifeless tonight. They held hands and walked into the land of cotton candy and momentary happiness.

Ira held tightly to Elron. To her, he was a last saving hope from the rest of the desolate world around them.

Elron accepted her grip and reciprocated it. To him, she had shown him a new, renewed purpose in his journey.

They were wound together by the bound of companionship, thought it was quickly becoming something more than that.

"What do you want to do first?" he asked.

"I could use a bite to eat," she replied bashfully.

"Cotton candy?"

"We haven't had dinner, so hopefully something more filling than that."

"Oh yeah, guess you're right." He laughed. "Guess I got too into the idea of having carnival food."

"We can have that afterwards," she said with a shy and small laugh.

Good, she's loosening up just a little, Elron thought to himself. That was a load off of his chest right there, and they had hardly entered the premises.

They ate their meal calmly at a cheap plastic table. The place was almost empty at this point in the night, so the main noise that they heard was the cheap music of the carnival's internal radio and the far off noises of miscellaneous money grabbing games.

"What do you want to do first?" Elron asked, throwing their trash away.

Ira looked immediately to the sky. Her eyes were drawn to the huge Ferris wheel that glittered up into the sky like a man made mountain. She pointed at it. "Let's go there!"

"The Ferris wheel? That sounds a little boring don't you think?"

She frowned at him.

"I'm just kidding! Yeah, let's go there first. From up there we should be able to see all the other stuff and choose where to go from there."

After a long wait in line, they finally got their chance to board the Ferris wheel. Guided by the attendant, they hopped on their passenger car. It was a small, four person cart that wobbled like a boat when they walked onto it. Strangely, there were no seats on this gondola, so they had to stand.

Slowly, the wheel started turning.

"Guess this'll be nothing compared to flying, heights-wise," said Ira, glued to the window.

"You haven't flown at night though, so this should be a new experience," he replied.

"I guess you're right."

The ride got higher and higher into the air, until it got to its highest point and started going down again.

Ira pointed to a spot in Nimbasa. "Hey! Look! We can see Elesa's gym from up here!"

"Wow, we really can!" I wonder how mad she is with me...

The passenger car was quiet on the descent, then on the next go round. On the third time around, it stopped at almost to top of its arc.

She froze up. "It stopped!"

He laughed. "They're just letting people off, Ira. This last time around will be kind of slow."

She loosened up. "Oh, I see. The last time around..." She bit her lip.

The gondola moved one more space.

Ira's heart skipped a bit when it came a halt again. "Um, Elron?"



"Oh." He blushed slightly, remembering their kiss that was hardly in the past. "No problem."

She shook her head. "No, really, thank you. If you hadn't been there, then I... I..."

You wouldn't be in this mess to begin with, he acknowledged in his mind. "But I was there, so there was no 'if.'"

"I know, but... I don't know what to say."

He took her hand. "I know, me neither."

The cart took another step, and was now at its highest position.

They looked out over the cityscape and the wilderness beyond it.

"Um, Elron?"

"What is it, Ira?"

"Can we... umm..."


"Can we do it for real this time? Like, happily and willingly?"

Their eyes met, then they both nervously looked away.

"Yeah, I guess that might be kind of nice."

She look at him with blue eyes filling with hope. "Really?"

"I mean yeah, that's kind of what couples do, right?" He scratched his head, acting like he wasn't embarrassed at what he was saying.

"Couples... huh?"

They faced each other, the pitch blackness of the night sky as their backdrop.

They leaned in and gave each other a brief peck on the lips.

They felt a little better now, and the awkward atmosphere around them started to evaporate.

They smiled at each other.

Maybe this...

...Is just what I needed.

They grabbed each other's hands once again and this time didn't let go.

The ride finished and they had to get off.

"What should we do next? See anything up there that you wanted to do?"

She yawned. "Actually I'm about ready for bed."

"Already?!" he complained. "We've hardly been here."

Ira stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "We ate not too long ago, so it's only natural."

"I guess you're right," he said with a sigh. "Well, let's go set up camp before it gets too late. We have a lot to worry about tomorrow with... err..." I don't want to bring up Granny right now.

She nodded. She knew what he meant without him having to say it. "Yeah, but let's save that for tomorrow." She smiled.

They walked towards the carnival's gates, laughing and smiling along. Elron's face, and then Ira's in reaction to his, did a complete flip when he saw a girl leaning against the gate, looking straight at them.

The girl had shoulder length silver hair and a red beret. A black bag hung to her side, its strap crossing across her body unadorned except for the presence of a few pokeballs. She wore red gloves with the fingers removed. Her hazel eyes looked at him almost pitifully in a way that showed that she had a lot on her mind.

Despite the shortened hair and change of clothing, Elron recognized her. How could he not?



A/N: That's right! The story gets real from here on out!

Also as you can probably see I decided to get a little literary with the chapter split and stuff, so let's see how many of the actual meanings of this book that you guys pick up on ;P

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