Chapter 9 - Who Did We End Up In So Much Trouble?

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"Oh look at all the adorable preschoolers," exclaimed Ira.

They were passing by the school between Striaton and Nacrene, and it was apparently recess. Yellow capped preschoolers ran around through the playground, squealing in glee as they chased each other around in the sandbox. Some were playing on the swings, their little legs not letting them pump too high into the air, some were having mock pokemon battles, and yet others were building castles in the sand.

Granny looked at the sandcastles they were constructing and frowned. "Someone has to whip these whippersnappers into shape, those are pathetic." Completely ignoring our destination, she wobbled off the trail and went to go corrupt the young ones.

"Guess we're taking a break," said Elron, putting down his back and sitting down on the ground.

Ira repeated after him. "Sorry, she can be a little self centered sometimes."

"Meowstic! Let's show these kids how it's down!" Granny threw her hands into the air as if conducting her pokemon as it raised up a several foot tall castle in the sand.

"No way!" yelled one of the kids, mouth gaping wide. "Could it be?! Granny of the Biting Sands?!"

"Darn right, kiddo," she replied with a smirk on her face.

Elron could only somewhat believe it. How the heck do these kids have an interregional information network like that?!

"Now, who's going to be my prince?"

"Ewww!" cried out several of the boys. "That's gross!" The girls giggled wildly at the thought.

"I'm the queen, you runts! That means one of you gets to be my son and live in the castle with me!" She and her diminutive frame walked through a hole in the back of the structure, and apparently started walking up some stars.

"Be careful, grandma!" Ira called out to her, worried that she'd hurt herself.

"Oh, I'll be fine," she replied, surfacing at the top of the grainy building. She raised her hands up into the air as if commanding her loyal subjects.

The small kids clapped and cheered wildly for the feat, and several of the boys were already lining up to audition for the position of prince so that they too could stand at the top of the playground.

"Yes! Bow down before me, peasants!" she said with a snicker. She stepped a little further forward to get a better view, then suddenly it gave way under her feet. Granny's body ripped through the sandy walls, and she tumbled down face first into the ground.

The little kids burst into laughter, loving the slapstick humour.

Even Elron let out a small sarcastic "she told you so" laugh, but Ira wasn't laughing. She stood up quickly and ran to her grandmother's side.

Granny wasn't moving.

"Grandma! Grandma! Are you alright?!" she said as she frantically pulled her out of the sand and rolled her over.

Elron saw that this was serious and went over to help, and the kids stopped laughing and gave them distance.

Granny's face twitched.


She coughed, then said, "my back hurts."


Ira sat next to her grandmother, tear stained and wadded up tissues on the bedstand.

Granny was alive, but was connected to several tubes on her hospital bed. She had broken her back, paralyzing her from the waist down, and a rib had punctured her lung. She was going to need surgery.

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