Chapter 13 White - Why Are People So Hard To Find?

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Lyne walked alone, backtracking towards the town of his first gym challenge. He stopped.

"You know, maybe I should just call her up."

He fiddled around in his pockets and pulled out his pokenav. He searched through his (very limited) amount of contacts, only to remember that Ira did not have any sort of telephone device on her.

"Drat. Why the heck do people get poketches anyways?! They're overpriced and their only redeeming factor is that they look cool!"

Lyne was a diehard consumer fan of the Devon corporation, and would be so for life.

He rolled it over in his head. How exactly am I supposed to get back into contact with her?

His pocket buzzed, so he pulled out the slate shaped device and looked at it.

"Come on, Lyne! You can do better than that. You're supposed to be some sort of genius scientist weren't you?" said Rotom, waving around its flag-like appendages. "Use your freaking Porygon you numbskull!"

Lyne cringed. "But hacking is illegal, Rotom."

"Do you want to find her before she is swept off of her feet by this Elron guy or not?!" Rotom squinted furiously at him.

He thought it over, then shrugged. "Just as long as I'm not caught I guess."

"Now we're talking!"

Lyne pulled out another pokeball, one of three, from his backpack, then let out the "creature."

The Porygon looked very similar to a duck, assuming that ducks are always portrayed with photographs that are taken from astronomical distances away then zoomed way in, leaving mechanically sharp edges, and aren't in fact ill when they are pink and blue. Despite its odd appearance though, this was a miracle of science and was so cool that it was standard issue among scientists that don't have plans to take over the world.

"Hey, Porygon! I have a quick little job for you! Can you go through the internet and try to locate Ira for me, for completely legitimate reasons? Oh, and if someone catches you, then you aren't my Porygon." He winked suspiciously, then held out the round phone out to the pokemon.

The Porygon nodded then digitized and jumped into the pokenav, despite knowing for a fact that Porygons have serial numbers and could be tracked back to their owners.

"Well, I guess we can rest in peace and battle this gym for now!" said Lyne enthusiastically.

Rotom buzzed around in his pokedex shell. "I can't wait to wreck this normal typed gym with my amazing ghostly powers!"


Porygon zoomed through the wires of the internet. It was a pokemon of the digital world, yet it couldn't quite say that this was its favorite place. Everywhere it looked electric roads branched off into other electric roads, reconnected some distance down, then swirled around to meet the same path that it broke from in the first place in a spiral of redundancy.

It was lost, despite being at home.

Thankfully it could cover ground quickly: always connecting to computers, lingering there for a few milliseconds while it inspected the machine, then sent itself off to another one. It wouldn't take even an hour to check all the machines in the entire region in this way. Being a master of disguise, or in this case its signature Conversion moves, it passed through firewalls and security as if they were open doors.

And then it found it.

This poketch had a 54.14% chance of being Ira's, it figured, as it had recorded in it the presence of a Skitty and a lack of a set alarm. It searched a little further, and what it found surprised it. In the calendar and memos, reminders such as "see Lyne today" and "the day I met Lyne" were recorded way back when. Curiously, such notes were only taken for a few months after the initial one, and why this would happen Porygon didn't know for sure. It knew that they met many times afterwards, so why did she decide to stop recording them eventually?

It also made sure to remember where the GPS signal of the device said it was located, as that was its mission in the first place, but now it had seen something interesting, and decided to press further

Porygon left the poketch's memory and went in search of any trails of data that Ira had left on the internet. Interested, it did this for a few hours, and it couldn't wait to show its owner what it had dug up.

Now it had to find its way back to Lyne's pokenav. It was a stream of ones and zeros at this state, but if it was in material form it would shake its head in complaint. Yet it moved on.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the semi-hiatus... But I'm back! Hopefully! We'll see how well I can stave off writer's block in this difficult to write part of the story :P

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