Chapter Two

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† Chapter II †

I wake up at 6:30am and get into my school's clothes and run down stairs to eat breakfast. Mum and Dad probably got back late last night. I was working from 2pm til 7pm yesterday and they didn’t come home during that time. They probably weren’t going to wake up for another few hours knowing them. After finishing getting ready I walk out of the house and start walking to school. Sure I have a car, but walking is so much healthier and really I enjoyed getting out of my house. I reached my school at 8:20am ready to start year 12.

I walk into the school and head to my locker. I put my bag in my locker and any books I missed putting in last year, when I had pre year 12. I put some photos of my favourite bands up in my locker and lock my locker.

Just then my awesome friends, Lynn and Ada walk up.

“Hey, Rain!” Ada says and gives me a hug. Ada had been my best friend sense primary school, and she had always stuck with me, she was tanned with short dark brown hair and these unique brown eyes. She was really pretty and really creative when it came to writing books. I just knew she was going to be famous.

My other friend, Lynn gives me a hug too. I had only known Lynn says high school but she was so friendly and fun to hang with we quickly became friends. She was amazing at painting and creating things like dresses. Lyn was pale, not as pale as me, but pale and she had longish dark brown hair and these pretty blue eyes.

“How was living with your aunty?” Lynn asks.

“Cool, I convinced her to get alpacas and I got to chose one and name it!” I laugh.

“Wow, don’t look now but new kid’s walking in.” Ada says a smirk on her lips.

I turn around to see this gorgeous guy, with jet black hair, snake bites and blue eyes walk down.

“Oh my Chris Motionless I think that’s the guy that moved in across the road from me.” I mumble and feel my face go red.

Sometimes being pale sucked and I quickly turn around and speed walk as far away from him as I could.

“Rain!” Lynn and Ada call after me.

I hide behind the end of the lockers and Ada’s boyfriend Ray along with Lynn’s boyfriend Percy walk over. Ada had been with Ray for 2 years now. They were so cute I swear they were going to get married when they’re older. He was tanned like her with green-blue eyes and brown hair. Lynn had only been with Percy for 8 months but they were still really cute as well. Percy had curly brown hair and brown eyes.

I nod a ‘hi’ to them and Ada and Lynn get all kissy kissy with them. I gag and begin to walk off. Just then I run into someone’s arm.

“Move it!” I growl and look up to see the really hot guy looking down at me, a smile on his face.

I feel my face go red again and I smile and whisper a ‘sorry’ and shrink away from him. And then I am saved by the bell.

Most of my classes were pretty average and then it was recess. I couldn’t stop looking at the new guy, and his really nice hair and piercings. He had made friends with these two other guys, Kane and Trevor. Kane had plugs and light brown hair. Trevor had a nose piercing and a medusa piercing and his hair was blonde. Those two were kind of cool but could also be annoying.

Then period three came and I had science. The new kid walks in a little late and my creepy science teacher, Mr. Tonks looks up at him through his glasses. “Oh you must be Xander. Everyone meet Xander.”

Xander gives a wave and sits at a seat behind me with Trever and Kane. I had all my friends in this science class, but they also had their boyfriends. I would probably be lab partners with Melanthe (Mel for short) who loved similar bands to me. She was a cool kid and I loved hanging with her, which would be cool unless she wants to be lab partners with someone else. Otherwise that could be awkward.

I get bored really quickly and begin writing lyrics over my diary.

“Rain, can you tell us what the answer is?” Mr. Tonks asks.

“Uh…” I stutter and close my diary. I didn’t even know what question he was talking about.

Ada nudges me and points at question 5. “Oh you have to add Nitrogen to Hydrogen.” I say and Mr. Tonks stares at me.

I so owned him. He nods and looks back at the whiteboard. “Nice one Rain.” Trevor says to me and I turn around to face him and smile. I caught a glimpse at Xander who was smiling at me.

I quickly turn around again before I went red, again.

The rest of the day was alright, I guess. As the final bell went and I was about to go to home group Xander walks up behind me.

“Is that Ricky Horror and Andy Biersack?” Xander says pointing at two photos I had on my locker, of two of the most coolest people, that happened to both be shirtless.

“Yeah, my husbands.” I say quickly and shut the door.

“Husbands, huh?” He says with a laugh.

I laugh as well. “I live opposite you, I dropped over yesterday, you know.”

“Yeah my dad told me; sorry I wasn’t there I think I would have liked to have talked to you.” Xander say as we walk to our home groups.

“That’s ok. Did you get any cupcakes?” I ask.

“Yeah, they’re good. You should come over more often with cupcakes.” I look at Xander and bite my piercing. It was a habit.

Just then the three slutty princesses’ bump into me and knock me out of my gaze at Xander.

“Oops, sorry emo raincloud. Hi Xander.” The girls laugh and wave at Xander. They always call me that but I really don’t care either.

I glare at them, how dare they think they can flirt with Xander.

“I don’t think I’ve met them before…” Xander mumbles and shakes him hair.

“Yeah but they know practically everyone here.” I roll my eyes.

Just then I reach my home group. “Well, see you some other time.” I wave and walk in.

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