Chapter Eight

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Please, rating and maybe even commenting would be very much appreciated . o.

By the way, how about reading my sister's book: The Consequences of self sacrifice and bravery? It's pretty mad ;D She's the person I dedicated the chapter to her :)


† Chapter IIX †

The rest of lunch was awesome, everyone had an awesome time just talking and stuff. Then it was the last period, home group and time to go home. I was so happy everything was resolved and Xander was happy now, hopefully Tegan was too ‘embarrassed’ to go to the party as well. Xander’s dad picked him up because they needed to set up a few more things still and I half ran home, so I had at least 2 hours to get ready.

When I got home my parents were arguing for whatever reason they were arguing. They barely noticed me walk in and I was happy about that. I walked upstairs and began getting ready. I was going to wear my new dress tomorrow at the more formal party but for the first party I was just going to wear a chequered black and white dress that had a black petticoat underneath it. The dress had skulls on it as well and I wore a studded waistband along with a studded chocker. I wear eyeliner to school but as much as I do when I’m at home, mainly because I’m too lazy to stack on eyeliner in the mornings before school. I let my hair out and puff it up a little. I grab a grey bow and put that in. Once I was satisfied with that, I put on some studded black shoes with a heel.

I got tomorrow’s outfit and my pyjamas ready and put them all into a bag. I got Xander’s present and put that next to the bag. Only then did I start doing some of my homework. I still had quite a bit to go when it was 10 minutes before 6pm and when people were going to start arriving.

I checked again to see I had everything and I took my bag and Xander’s present downstairs. It was 6pm now.

“Where are you going looking like that?” Mum asks and my dad burps really loud from the lounge room.

“Xander’s birthday party.” I say with annoyance. I had told her about it a few days ago, I knew she was ignoring me.

“Hurry up and leave then you whore!” Dad shouts from the lounge room and laughs, clearly amused by whatever he was watching.

“Just don’t get pregnant or I’ll throw you out on the streets!” Mum says as if she expected me to do so.

“Whatever I’m not stupid like you and get drunk making accidents like me and Zac.” I snap and mum full glares at me in the mention of Zac.

She starts after me and I slam the door on her face. If I worked double shifts maybe I could leave earlier… the thought of moving and having a house to myself that doesn’t constantly stink sounded really appealing.

I walked up Xander’s big driveway and knock on his front door. Darren opens the door, “Rain! You look lovely! Here you’re the second person to arrive right this way!”

Darren’s enthusiasm made me smile with excitement. I remember when I was younger I used to drop hints and leave notes around stating my birthday was coming up for my parents but they never acknowledged them and acted surprised when it passed, “Oh if you only told us you silly girl! Never mind your lack of initiative you’ll just have to wait till next year, won’t you?” they would say.

I walk into a second lounge room and Xander sat strumming his guitar to while another guy who I hadn’t met before, played drums.

“Xander?” Darren yells over the music and Xander jumps up.

“Rain!” He cries, running over to me and kissing me. Xander was wearing skinny jeans with a black short sleeve shirt. He looked hot as always.

“Happy Birthday!” I exclaim and give him a black gift bag with a guitar on it to him. Darren leaves the room to go wait for other guests.

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