Chapter Nine

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† Chapter IX †

It was the next day and I was helping set up for Xander’s massive family party. Apparently his whole family was rich like him and it was going to be in the back of the house which was like a ballroom. Seriously, they have a ballroom in their house. Not only was Xander’s family coming but also family friends and people from Darren’s work. Anyway I wasn’t going to get changed into my nicer clothes until I had finished helping set up. I put a cloth over a table that was at the end of the room. The room was massive, probably almost the size of my school hall and there was windows around the sides and back. Grand stairs led the way down into the ballroom. I imagined everyone wearing old fashioned Victorian dresses and dancing happily around. I squeal and go to put more table cloths on the tables.

When all the preparation was done I went into the room I was staying in and got changed. Xander and Hardy were getting changed in their rooms as well.

I put on the black dress and some black shoes that had black bows on them and a quiet high heel. I put on a black necklace with a red crystal inside it and matching ear rings. I put a red bow in my hair and apply more eyeliner. I take out my labret and put on some red lipstick before I put it back in.

Once I was done I walk out to Hardy and Xander who were talking to each other. Xander’s eyes widen as he sees me and I look at him, wearing black pants with a white shirt and a black waistcoat. He looked really hot and his hair was somehow even hotter than usual and his snakebites stood out even more. Hardy turns to look at me and smiles. He was wearing black pants and a blue shirt.

“Hey guys,” I say and hug Xander, keeping my arms around his waist.

“You look gorgeous.” Xander whispers to me and kisses me on the head.

I smile, scrunching my nose. “Thank you, and you look cute.” I say to him kissing his lips this time.

“Ew!” Hardy cries and runs down the stairs.

We laugh and follow after him. We walk to the ballroom and Darren was there talking with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth gasps as we walk over, “My, Xander and Rain you look absolutely wonderful!”

Hardy rolls his eyes, “Oh you and you look decent as well.” Elizabeth adds and he looks away, clearly pleased.

“You all look great.” Darren says with a smile. “My son, becoming an adult. Your mother would be so proud.”

Xander smiles at the memory of his mother. We talk for another few minutes before people begin arriving. Xander introduces me to the people and for some people Hardy was meeting for the first time as well.

Finally after 45 minutes everyone had arrived and the ballroom was full with people. Everyone was talking and laughing and some people would grab some food from the back to eat. Xander was constantly receiving gifts and being talked to by people. Quite a few times even I was complemented by people saying, “You have a beautiful girlfriend, Xander!” and things along the line of that.

One time a little girl came up and I talked to her for a little bit while Xander talked to her parents.

“Are you a princess?” She asked me and I laughed.

“No, I’m just a normal girl, like you.” I say.

“But you’re so pretty!” The girl exclaimed.

“So are you.” I pat the girl’s head and she giggles.

She stops and points at my labret and my nose ring, “Did that hurt?”

“A little, but I think it’s worth it. I really like them. If you ever want to get one though make sure you really want one and wait until you’re much older.” I say, hoping to not put off a bad influence.

She scrunches her nose and puts her hand over her face, “When I’m older I want to be as pretty as you! But I don’t think I want those because I’m too scared!”

I smile, “You can be whatever you want to be.”

Then the mother and father walk away with the girl and she talks loudly to her parents about Xander and I.

Two hours into the party Darren got everyone to be quiet and he made a toast and had a speech for Xander. I stood next to Xander, my arm around his waist and his arm over my shoulder. Darren was a really good speaker and kept the speech entertaining.

Next Hardy made a speech and a few of Xander’s relatives or family friends. Then there was this massive cake for Xander. It wasn’t as exciting as his previous cake but it was expensive and cool-looking none the less. Everyone sung happy birthday except not as embarrassing as last nights.

Then after another two hours it was past 10pm and some of the people had left. There was still quite a lot of people still, though. Hardy was dancing with some girl who was wearing this silver dress and she had blonde hair with a single lip piercing. Apparently she liked alternative bands and some post metal core, which was awesome. Xander and I stood at the back of the room until Xander took my hand and took me into the middle of the room where people were dancing.

“Can I have this dance?” Xander asks, holding his hand out.

“Only because you asked me.” I reply, taking his hand and moving closer to him.

I didn’t really know how to dance but Xander knew how to dance, probably because he would have been to a lot of these parties. He held me close and I mainly just followed his steps.

I had a lot of fun and eventually everyone began leaving. It was 12am and the girl Hardy was dancing with left and Hardy walked over to us.

“Xander!” He calls and runs up to us. Now there was only a few people left and they began saying goodbye. “I can’t believe you never introduced me to her before! We are like meant to be!”

“Maybe because I don’t see her often.” Xander says and Hardy shrugs.

“I got her number and we’re going to catch up. Anyway I should head home as well, I told my mum I would be back by 12 and its already 12:30.”

We say goodbye to Hardy and I give him a hug, “It was nice meeting you.” I said and then Hardy left.

After a little cleaning up Xander and I went upstairs and into our rooms. It was already 1am. I got into my pyjamas quickly and heard Darren outside talking to Xander. I don’t know what they were talking about but I decided not to disturb them.

After a while I walk out and Darren says goodnight before heading to the master bedroom. Xander had his waist coat off.

He smiles at me and I follow him into his room. “You know I have to get changed.” He says, taking off his top.

“You don’t have to.” I say, sitting on the end of the bed, facing him.

He looks at me for a while and then I crack a smile. He smiles back and kisses me. We open our mouths and Xander leans in, moving me back and then against the bed. He leans on top of me and begins kissing down my neck. He moves his hands up my top and pulls it over my head. He continues kissing my lips and pressing himself against me.

Soon all off our clothes were off and after a while we stop and go to sleep.

The next day I flutter my eyes awake slowly. Xander was in the shower and I push myself up. I stretch my arms a little before having a shower in the spare room. When I finish I walk downstairs to Xander and Darren and have breakfast.

It sucked I had work later today because I enjoyed staying with Xander so much and Darren was so nice as well. Then it came time for me to go and I grab my stuff and say goodbye to Darren.

I walk down to my house with Xander. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say to him and kiss him on the lips.

“Thanks so much for an awesome birthday Rain.” He says and kisses me again.

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