Chapter Sixteen

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† Chapter XVI †

The next day I woke up in my bed. My head throbbed but I ignored it and tried to sit up. The pain returns and I hold my head, slowly falling back onto the pillow. What felt like an hour later I managed to get myself up and I walked out of my room and downstairs.

I felt really hungry from not having dinner last night so I went into the kitchen to eat. Mum was sitting at the dining table with dad, she looked tired and weary.

“We have to talk.” Mum whispers, turning the glass of wine she had.

I grabbed a bar and stood in front of them, chewing quietly.

There was a silence until dad said, “Rain you aren’t allowed to see Xander anymore.”

“What?” I yell, throwing my hands out.

There was another silence and I look to mum for support. She averts her gaze from me, “Rain after the stunt you pulled yesterday of accusing your father of cheating and then scratching his face it’s just unacceptable, your behaviour is terrible.”

I noticed then that dad three scratches across his face, but I didn’t do that. “Mum I didn’t do that to dad, and he is cheating!”

“Look more lies. I’ve never grounded you before but you are now.” Mum says and she takes another sip from her wine.

“I’m not a child anymore you can’t do this!” I yell.

Dad steps up and he takes his belt off and whips me once with it. “Naughty children will be punished.” Mum mumbles and she puts a tablet into her wine and then skulls the full thing.

“That’s right. Naughty children who lie and don’t keep their mouth shut will be punished.” Dad smirks and hits me again.

He didn’t say it directly but I knew what he meant, he meant I couldn’t tell anyone he was selling our stuff and having an affair.

I got so many calls from Xander that day. When he wasn’t calling me he sent me texts and emails but I couldn't reply to anything. My laptop and phone were both downstairs with my parents

Luckily I had picked up some house magazines a few days ago and I spent the day looking for a place to move into, I managed to find somewhere around 20 minutes away from here. It was small and only had one bedroom and bathroom but it would be nice for the time being. It was also new and one person had only lived in it for 6 months before moving out. I drove to the place that night and got the house. I was going to move out by the end of the week and then I could see Xander all I wanted and my parents could do nothing about it.

Once I got home I saw Xander standing outside my front door.

“What are you doing?” I ask, putting my hoodie on so he couldn’t see my arms and my cuts.

“What are you doing? What happened yesterday and why won’t you talk to me?” He questions me desperately.

I move closer to him before I could say anything though mum swings the door open.

“Oh Xander good you’re hear I’m sure Rain wanted to tell you something.” Mum says, glaring at me.

“What?” I ask but I felt like I knew the answer. Mum glares at me again. From in the shadows I could see a figure behind mum, and I knew that it was my dad, watching everything I said.

I swallow and I feel tears reaching my eyes, “Xander… I think it’s best if we don’t see each other for a while…”

“What?” Xander yells and he looks at my mum and me.

The Outcasts LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon