Chapter Ten

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Author's note: 

Just so you know, the photo I posted here is Kristy Killings. I actually don't know her real name and only know her because one of my favourite bands: Snow White's Poison Bite xD


† Chapter X †

A few months pass after that, Tegan didn’t hang with us (luckily) and she seemed to not be desperate for Xander anymore. I think she actually listened to what I said at the party. I saw Hardy three other times In that time, one time Xander and I went to a concert with him. He started dating Xander’s cousin and they were actually pretty cute. And now it was a few days before my birthday, on Thursday.

I couldn’t wait! But it also meant that exams were coming up as well.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was doing homework on my bed. I had begun feeling really rebellious recently, maybe it was because I had almost saved up enough and was going to move into another place in just over a month. It took me longer than expected to save up the money but, that’s to be expected, it’s not like I’m working full time or anything. Even though I do get $18 an hour and work like 5 or more hours a week and then there are Sunday rates. Don’t ask me how I manage that and homework, I’m a wonder woman. Anyway I finished my math and walked downstairs to my parents who were in the lounge room. My dad just finished talking on the phone with someone.

“What do you want?” Dad snaps.

“Oh nothing, I was just coming down to make pleasant conversation.” I say with a smile.

“What on earth for? Why would we want to talk to you?” Mum blurts out.

I sit on the edge of a chair, not wanting to sit back into it. “Well you know how I’m going out to Xander’s house on Saturday…”

“Don’t you see enough of that guy at school?” Dad moans.

“It’s not like you want me here anyway.” I was getting annoyed, I wish for once they would just be happy that I was their daughter and not smoke for one day, my birthday, where they could treat me like something important.

Dad skulls the drink he was holding, it was a strong alcohol of some sort. He burps and opens another can, drinking half of that. “Yeah you’re right we don’t. Children are so annoying.”

“I’m turning 18 on Thursday you fuck head!” I scream and storm out the room.

I try to think of what made me go in there In the first place. They only care that they won’t have responsibility for me anymore.

I just wanted for Saturday to hurry up and get here. I didn’t know what Xander had planned but I knew that I was going to his house and going somewhere where I’m happy and that’s all I cared about.

I slam the door of my room and start the next piece of homework I had. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and mum opens the door. I ignore her and keep doing my homework.

“Swearing at your father like that was unnecessary.” She says softly.

“Was it? Was it necessary that you always forget my birthday?” I snap back, still looking at my homework.

She sits on the bed and puts her hand on my back. I shift away from her and she retreats her arm. “We never forget your birthday, and we’re trying, Rain we really are.”

“Trying to avoid my birthday?” I break the tip of my pencil from pressing down to hard and I begin sharpening it.

“No it’s not us. Some of the stuff we take makes us do things we don’t mean to.” She whispers.

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