Chapter Seven

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† Chapter VII †

It was now back to school and it was Xander’s birthday the coming weekend. After a day at school I went shopping with Ada and Lynn.

“So what do you want to get him?” Lynn asks as she picks up an angry dog plush toy. “Hey look it’s Ada when she’s trying to sleep.

I laugh loudly with Lynn and Ada just glares at us, “Yeah well that’s Rain when she’s on the toilet doing a crap.”

Lynn laughs and I stare at Ada with my mouth open, “That was un called for, and everyone looks like that when they’re constipated.”

We all laugh now. “Anyway I think I want to get him something like a new CD or some merch but I swear he’s so damn rich he’s got everything.”

“Then get him something small but really meaningful.” Ada says.

“Like what? Ah I suck at getting presents!” I cry out with frustration.

“And you have to wear a really pretty dress to his party.” Lynn reminds me and I grunt.

“Wait what type of party is it?” Ada asks as I walk into a music shop and look at instruments.

“He has two parties, one for all his friends at school and things and then his posh family party that only I’m invited to out of his friends, A part from his best friend from his other school.” I reply, looking at accessories for guitars.

I pick up a guitar pick, “Small but not really meaningful.” I sigh.

“You need a dress that works with both of them then.” Ada says.

We walk out of the shop and I walk over to a gift shop. I pick up a really fluffy teddy that says ‘I love you’ on it and I smile thinking of Xander.

We walk out of the shop and I practically die of frustration.

“Chill!” Lynn says as I stomp to a sweet store and buy an ice cream. I sit down on a seat and eat it angrily.

“Did the ice cream cool off any of that anger?”  Ada says, poking me cheek.

“Maybe. But I still can’t think of anything.” I reply and chuck the rubbish in the bin.

Lynn buys an ice cream for Ada and her and I bite my labret trying to think of something.

“How about we get your dress first?” Ada says and taking my hand, pulls me off the seat and to a dress shop.

I moan and look around the shop. There was some nice things but everything was overpriced. We walk around some more and Lynn and Ada drag me into some dress shop that looked to have nothing but bright colours in it.

“Wow look at this dress, it’s so pretty!” Ada breathes as she softly touches this really pretty white dress with silver lace with green ribbon on it.

Lynn stares in awe at the dress as well. She picks out a cream coloured dress with pale yellow lace and blue ribbon. “You buy it then, Ada but I refuse to wear it unless it’s black.”

“You’re so difficult!” Lynn laughs, punching my arm.

“Look they do have one in black!” Ada cries and pulls out a black dress with black lace and a red ribbon., it had a small corset at the back we found out and it did look really nice. 

“Yuck its emo Raincloud and her freaky friends.” I turn around in horror to see Tegan and the sluts making their way over to us.

“My friends happen to be awesome, just saying.” I growl, glaring at her.

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