Chapter Seventeen

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† Chapter VII †

Something being smashed suddenly wakened me. I was lying in a bed, in a room I had never seen before. It took a few seconds for me to realize that I was in a private hospital room, flowers were surrounding me and I painfully lifted my head slightly to see a dark sillhouette of a person facing me across the room. The body moves a step closer and into a small light and I recognise the person to be Tegan.

I began freaking out and I tried to push my body away from her even though that did nothing. “You… you fucking whore! You got what you wanted, you had your moment with Xander and you’ve hospitalized me, what do you still want?” I cried desperatly, fear controlling me. The yelling only made my head throb more.

“You ruined my moment with Xander. I was so angry that I lost control and I only intended of maybe slapping you but once I saw you were right in the middle of the road, I couldn’t stop myself. Your careless and fragile body just waited for me there and I didn't stop, I hit you. You left Xander and I guess I have to thank you for that because he was so lonely and sad that he practically listened to anything I said, with a little convincing, of course. And now you have to come back and now he ignores me and he’s been here all yesterday and all night and now all today until they finally got him to go home. It’s late at night now actually its very early morning, and there’s hardly anyone here…” Tegan steps closer to me and she pulls out a knife from behind her.

My eyes widen as I watch the large kitchen knife shimmer in the small light. She holds it tightly, he knuckles going white from the tension she placed on them.

“You know I could go to jail or get serious charges for hitting you. I can’t blame everything on the drugs and I won’t let you spill. Not after I’ve gotten this far with Xander.” She steps closer to me, a maniac look in her eyes.

“No stop, you don’t know what you’re doing! They’ll find out and Xander will never be the same!” I cry , feeling completely defencless and weak. She brings the knife slowly up into the air, utter terror flooded through me, the blade seemed to hold the question of whether I was to live or die.

Tegan shakes her head, “You think everything is about you! You think that everyone loves you so much because you’re pretty and you’re funny and carefree and determined and you know what I think? I think you should have died along with your brother. Yeah Xander told me and now you’ll join him.”

She brings the knife down with incredible speed. The blade slices deep into my stomach, I could feel the cold steel brush against everything it had cut. I look up at her as she held the knife in my stomach. I was in pure shock, I was frozen. She twists the blade and I manage I startled cry,  my body going numb. Blood dribbles down from my lips. A smile crosses Tegan’s face.

Tegan rips the knife out of my stomach and blood quickly begins covering the hospital sheets. Tegan’s smile went from a smirk to a crazy teethy smile and she laughed manically. I saw her raise the knife up a head of me again. My shock was beginning to lessen and I could start to feel the sheer pain from the wound but at least my body could now move. She dove the knife back down but this time I was ready. I kicked my non broken leg up and although the blade cut along that leg she dropped it to the floor. She grips her wrist, staring at her weapon with anger. I pick up a vase from next to me and smash it on her head. She falls to the ground, a cut across her head. I flopped out of the bed and pulled myself to the button she was holding. I pressed it again and again, over and over until a nurse came running in the room.

She screamed as she saw Tegan on the floor and the blood from my wound on the bed and on the floor where I dragged my body. My vision flickered again and I lost consciousness.

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