You, my dear, have all the power

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The night of the government party is upon us and I am beyond anxious. I'm mostly overwhelmed because I haven't told my friends anything that's happened over the course of the past week. Not about Tyler, not about Evan, not about this mission, nothing. I've been sneaking behind their backs gathering intel because I just don't know how to tell them.

I don't want them to get involved, and I don't think Jesse wants me to get them involved either. When we were talking about the mission he kept telling me I was the only person he could trust and I don't want to break that trust. But, I don't think I can do this by myself. I don't want to do this by myself. Besides, it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to get upset with Tyler for keeping things from me when I'm doing the exact same thing with my friends. No, I have to tell them. I have to.

"Okay, spit it out. What's going on?" Jess asked, throwing a pillow at me to get my attention.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking back up at her.

"You've been acting weird, and that's saying a lot because you've been acting weird for months. Something is clearly going on with you so spit it out." Jade added, not looking up from the work she was doing.

"I-..." I started, but I'm not even sure where to begin. There's so much that I need to tell them, but I've hid so much already and don't know how they'll react. I should start with the most pressing matter at hand, the government party but... "Tyler's alive." I spat out quickly. The room went silent as my roommates stared at me with their mouths on the floor. You could hear a grenade pin hit the floor the way it was quiet.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dee finally spoke.

"Fuck. Okay. I've been hiding a lot from you guys and I'm so sorry. But like I knew you guys were already worried about me and I didn't want to add to that. Plus, I know you already didn't really approve of me hanging out with Evan because you didn't think I was over Tyler, and to be honest you guys were partially right, but like that's a conversation for another time. However, do you guys remember when Jesse appeared in the middle of the night to let me know that he was alive? Yea, well, that wasn't the only reason why he was here. He wanted to give me a mission. There's something big going on. Some war, and he told me about this government party that's going on tonight. He wanted me to go and see if I could get any information about what was happening from the high ranked officials that would be in attendance. He would do it himself but he's on total lockdown after, you know, getting taken. So he's kind of depending on me to do this and I've been trying to do it."

"Anyways, that's what I've been doing all this time when I've been disappearing. But I've also been hanging out with Evan a lot. And originally I wasn't planning on being his girlfriend. Not at least for a while. But then last weekend when I was on my way to see him and I was sneaking out of the school Tyler caught me. And at first I was too shocked to speak or move or even breathe. I thought he was a ghost. But he was real and he was right in front of me and he was perfect and he was alive. And then he left, because the agencies called him back and he wont tell me what's going on and all he says is that he's trying to protect me but I'm finding it harder and harder to believe him. And I was so mad at him that I decided that I was going to tell Evan that I would be his girlfriend. But now, I'm wondering if I jumped into things. I do really like Evan, but Tyler... he's Tyler. And yes I'm mad at him, but he's him and he'll always be him and I know I won't be mad at him forever because I can't because it's him. You know? I feel like I'm not making any sense." The words vomited out of my mouth before I could even process what I was saying. My friends all looked at each other before looking back at me.

"That was a lot." Bri said slowly, while my friends nodded beside her.

"Okay. Let's start with the main point at hand here, Tyler's alive. Everything else aside, that's major. Ela, he's fucking alive." Jade announced, smiling at me and the weight of everything I've been holding onto, every emotion I've been repressing came bubbling up.

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