You are Hoseok's FATHER!!

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Namjoon-"Hyung...this is my ring...I had lost it six years ago..."

Jin-"WHAT! Wait it can't be your ring.Try it on."

Namjoon tried the ring and it fit him perfectly as if it was his.

Namjoon-" you thing that it might be me Hoseok's father?"

Jin-"It can't be...or maybe?"

Namjoon-"Can you tell me at which party did it happen?"

Jin-"It was a party Jimin had organised because he had passed his English exams."

Namjoon showed a shocked expression because that was exactly when he had lost the ring and had a night stand with a dude...

Namjoon-"Hyung...I'm Hoseok's father..."

Seokjin got up and wrapped his arms Namjoon and what Namjoon did not know was that Seokjin loved him but what Seokjin did not know was Namjoon loved him too...

Namjoon-"Hyung...I love you and I want to take my responsibility of being Hoseok's father."

Jin-" Did you really mean the words that you said said?"

Namjoon-"Should I stay or should I go?"

Seokjin just connected his lips onto Namjoon's and they shared a short simple kiss that meant a lot of things.When they parted away,they stared at each others eyes and smiled.Then the door flew opened and it caught Seokjin's and Namjoon's attention and they saw crying Jungkook and Hoseok.


Hoseok ran to Namjoon and Namjoon pulled him in a hug and Namjoon kept on apologising and Hoseok was just crying and he was speechless.Jungkook was still outside and tears were flooding from his eyes...Seokjin saw him and opened his arms and Jungkook ran into them and cried onto Seokjin's shoulder.Seokjin caressed his hair and tried to calm him down.

Jimin entered the living room,confused by what was going ok.He saw Jungkook crying and Namjoon was holding a crying Hoseok who slowly calmed down.


Seokjin looked up and replied,

Jin-"Yes Jimin?"

Jimin-"The stew is ready and I already got out the plat and served the rice and prepared the kimchi."

On hearing the word 'stew',Hoseok looked up and said;

Hoseok-"Eomma,Hobi is hungry.Appa feed me please?"

He asked doing an aeygo and Namjoon could not resist.He smiled saying,

Namjoon-"Arraso Hobi."

Seokjin smiled at their cuteness and Jungkook was looking at them with an empty stare and Jimin saw it proposed,

Jimin-"Jin-hyung why don't you, Namjoon hyung and Hobi head to the dining room,Kookie and I will come soon."

Seokjin nodded and Namjoon, Hoseok and him headed to the dining room and Jimin approached Jungkook who was looking down.Jimin held him close to his well-built chest and Jimin said,

Jimin-"Kookie what's wrong?"

Jungkook wipes his tears away and answered,

Jungkook:"Nothing I'm just so goddamn happy that Hoseok finally has a father,his family is finally complete. A loving mother and a caring dad...he will not need me anymore.."

Jimin's grip tighten around Jungkook's body and it broke his heart to see the maknae like this.

Jimin:"Look Kookie,Hoseok will always need you.You are his brother.Having a father will never change this,ok?"

Jungkook nodded against Jimin's chest and they parted and Jimin wiped the last tears that fell from Jungkook's eyes and they joined Seokjin,Namjoon and Hoseok in the dining room.

Jin-"Kookie.Are you okay?"

Jungkook nodded and sat down next to Jimin and they ate in complete silent and the only sound was Namjoon saying,"Ah" which was to say Hoseok to open his mouth so that he could feed him.After the dinner, Seokjin was doing the dishes while Namjoon was watching TV with Hoseok and Jungkook went for a walk with Jimin.

Through out the whole walk, Jungkook was holding Jimin's hand because Jimin's hands was so warm and comforting compared to his cold and dead hands.

Jimin-"So Kookie why didn't you told me about your tumor?"

Jungkook could not even look at Jimin,he felt ashame for hiding this from his caring hyung.Jimin stop walking, pull Jungkook close to him and grab Jungkook's chin between two fingers,slowly making Jungkook facing him.Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he mumbled,

Jungkook-"I was scared hyung...I'm scared that you would treat me differently..."

Jimin kiss his forehead and said,

Jimin-"If anything happen to you,I would always regret not knowing that my Kookie was sick and that I did not spend all my Kookie."


Jungkook pulled Jimin in his arms and they stayed in each others arms for a while.Meanwhile,Seokjin remembered that Taehyung gave him an envelope.He opened it and when he saw what was in he cried.The envelope contained 10 000 000 won and a letter.Seokjin opened the letter with trembling hands and it said,

Dear Seokjin,

You are probably wondering why I sent you 12 000 000 won.Well I learn about Jeon Jungkook's disease and since his dad was a good friend of my dad before Jeon's father died but don't tell Jeon that I gave you the money just say that my dad sent it to you.


Seokjin was suprised and so happy at the same time.


Namjoom rushed in the kitchen and saw Seokjin in tears and he pulled the latter in his arms and asked,

Namjoon-"What's wrong babe?"

Jin-"Jungkook will live,I will not lose him!"

Namjoon pulled away not understanding what was going on.Seokjin showed him the envelope and Namjoon instantly understand and Seokjin jump in his arms.

Namjoon-"Jungkook will always be with us."

Jin-"We still need to find 3 000 000 won but we have 3/4 of the sum."

Namjoon-"We'll find it I'm sure of it."

Jin-"Of course we will."
So Jungkook will live!!!
But why did Taehyung send him the money?
Tell me about your opinion in the comments.
-Gemma xx

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