Chapter 19

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Shoutout to Himlata and IIJayIILovesBooks . Ladies, this is the chapter you've (and probably everyone else) been waiting for. 

Anastasia's P.O.V.

The silence was killing me.

Everyone tiptoed around me, speaking to me only when necessary and even then, choosing their words carefully. My wolf was subdued, grieving at her failure, seeding doubts and dark thoughts into my mind.

This wasn't my first heat, but it was my first one since finding my mate. Usually mates eased the pain and desire during the heat, using various methods if they didn't want a child. I closed my eyes and turned on my side.

My mate wasn't even by my side; he couldn't even look me in the eye since that day. I felt like failure, a reject. What was wrong with me? Why wasn't I good enough? What if things weren't meant to be? Maybe there was something wrong with my wolf. I tried so hard to remind myself that it wasn't my fault and I had no reason to blame myself or feel ashamed.

"Ana," Damien's voice coaxed me out of my thoughts. I looked at him as he stood on the ladder, his face soft with concern and pity. "You have a singing class today," he said gently, "are you up for it?"

I sat up and nodded, "Yeah."

Damien was waiting for me when I came downstairs. The house was empty, Dad and Nyal were in at Jonathan's house and everyone else supervising weekday training. He pulled me into a hug after I slipped on my shoes.

"You don't deserve this," he said as he tucked my head under his chin. "You deserve so much more than him and it's killing me that I can't rip his head off for hurting you."

I chuckled lightly, "I'm fine Damien." He scoffed, causing me to laugh. "And things can't always be perfect."

Damien growled but sighed, "You're a damn strong girl Tasia, I'm so proud that you're my sister."

I smiled and squeezed him tight when I heard the nickname only Damien was allowed to use. I believed I was truly blessed when it came to my brothers. They will always have my back and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I released him and tiptoed to kiss his cheek. Damien smiled as released me and gestured to get going and I walked to the door.

"Dai?" I called, using the nickname only I was allowed to use. He looked up and raised an eyebrow in question. I smiled, "Thank you." He smiled and waved me off. Leave it to Damien to know what exactly to say. I walked to the recreational centre in a much happier mood.


I chuckled as I peeked into the arts and craft room. Hayley was smiling as she walked around the room, instructing, cleaning and helping where necessary. Kenna was being a big kid in the playground, running around with kids who wanted to be outside. I pushed open the door to the auditorium, where I held my classes.


I braced myself as I was tackled by a wave of children. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face as their faces beamed back at me. I joined in their animated chatter as I ushered them onto the stage and made them sit in a circle.

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