Chapter 28

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Anastasia's P.O.V.

I breathed in deeply at Dad's announcement. I knew what our action plan entailed, Dad and I would spend sleepless nights talking about it. I sighed before heading to the kitchen where Emma had laid a spread of sandwiches and the coffee machine was working.

I could feel Luke's eyes on me as I prepared two cups of coffee and took enough sandwiches for the two of us. When neither of us spoke, I felt him sorting through my thoughts, trying to understand my emotions. I sighed as I blocked him out gently, something I had practised and perfected.

"It's better you hear everything during the meeting," I said softly. I could see the anger in his eyes as he took the plate from me. I hated blocking him out but there were just some things that needed to be said and not extracted from my brain.

When we headed back into Alpha Blackwell's office, the room was nearly full. My brothers, save Asher were here, Dad, Alpha's Blackwell, Emma and the head doctor from the hospital. Luke and I sat in the middle of the table, where we both be close to our respective packs.

"Okay, first matter at hand," Alpha Blackwell started. "How did these wolves get in?"

"Our trackers are saying they entered from a clearing in the north east," Damien stated. "Members of both packs are securing the perimeter as we speak."

"It's going to take more than patrols now," Dad mused. "I say we physically barricade the perimeter. I think Rowan has the right idea." He nodded in Rowan's direction. I showed the image Rowan had to Luke and he nodded.

"It's a wooden fence basically," Rowan explained, "with sharpened sticks. We'll make it high enough so wolves won't jump it and interlock it for strength."

"Good idea," Luke said, earning him a glare from his father. "I can have the woodworking class assist in the sharpening."

Alpha Blackwell nodded, "Very well." Anyone could tell that he disliked Luke in charge. It wasn't a hatred for Luke, it was just in his wolf's nature to be displeased about anyone who was in charge but himself.

"We're still going to need patrols," I added. My brothers murmured and nodded in agreement. "And we're going to be have to be strict about it. No more accepting excuses and tolerating delinquents. I swear to the Goddess, if I hear "Oh my wife wants me at home" one more time, I will show them the reality that if they don't it, they won't have a wife or a home to go to."

Dad nodded, "Agreed, it has been most of our pack attending the patrols which is unfair because both our packs are at danger." He looked at Alpha Blackwell briefly before continuing. "I also propose that we have sentries. There are areas that we won't be able to passively defend. It's going to take manpower to ensure that an incident like this will not happen again."

"Can adjustments be made to our warriors to allow this?" Emma asked.

"Of course," Nyal answered. "I can change the roster around taking everyone's preference into consideration but, of course, I can't please everyone."

"Don't worry about that," Axel grinned, "I'll make sure they're happy with it."

"Dr Yates, what can you tell us about these wolves?" Alpha Blackwell asked.

The tired doctor sighed, "I've never encountered any toxin or venom like this. While treating Ms Kenna, her stitches kept dissolving. Thankfully, Mr Richard was able to direct us in closing her wounds using skin staples. I was able to collect the fluid and I have a team analysing it as we speak. All I can tell you for now is that it has anti-healing properties which isn't new news given that Alpha Ashworth and Ms Anastasia have wounds that are not fully healed."

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