Chapter 36

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Luke's P.O.V

My groan broke the stillness of the dark morning. Ana sighed as I uncoiled my body from hers as I grabbed my badass cane that Alpha Ashworth gifted me, to hobble over to the bathroom. My brain was fogged with sleep as I mindlessly washed up and returned to bed. Ana curled up into my chest as much as she could, embracing my warmth. My fingers traced sleepy circles on her skin as I willed my thoughts to silence themselves.

Our packs were on the road to recovery with the first half or as Ana liked to call them, the "college gens", of the Ashworth pack heading back to their lands in the sun lit hours of the morning. Ana was restless as Asher, Ari, Rowan and Jared were going with them. She didn't like being separated from them and them from her but it needed to be done. The families whose houses were used by the Nightwalkers had given permission for the houses to be gutted, soil sampling, an ingenious brainwave by Nyal, had revealed that the same poison that had coursed through the veins of the Nightwalker pack was in their soil which required to be remediated and anything contaminated; destroyed. The Ashworths had their plans which were being set in motion.

I felt Ana's thoughts shift as she tried to wake up to figure out why I was not asleep. I smiled and nudged her as my nose settled into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent as I lulled us to sleep.


I was perched on the porch keep an eye on Ana as she ran around, well speed walked around since removing her cast, her ankle was not back at a hundred percent. I wasn't in any better shape as I still relied on a mobility aid to move around but even with her injury; Ana still managed to sweep through the Ashworth pack like a hurricane. Double checking things, triple checking things, putting some of Axel's friends in line; the usual.

"Is Ana heading off today?" I looked to my right to see my mother leaning on the bannister.

"Not today," I replied, growling as the girl in question rolled her ankle. Damien caught her and Seth, on my request, and Jason, surprisingly not on my request, were at her side immediately. She smiled and shooed them off but stubbornly Jason remained, both he and I not missing her limp a little.

"I've been thinking," Mom mused, "you and Ana should go to the beach house."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise as I turned to face her. Our family had a beach house that was used whenever we wanted a vacation. I planned to take Ana there once everything had settled down but it was the woven message in my mother's words that stunned me.

"I intend on taking her," my wolf perked up, adding a double meaning to my words, "but not now. This transition is strange for me, I'm not going to add more pressure on her."

My wolf purred as we felt Ana's eyes on us. She left the group of girls she was talking to and headed over to me. I kissed her forehead and wound an arm around her waist as she greeted Mom.

"Are you supposed to be hustling and bustling so much with that ankle?" Mom eyed Ana as she hopped up onto the banister. I unlaced her sneaker to take a look at it, it was swollen which meant she needed a break.

"No," Ana's voice was airy as she tried to catch her breath. Her cheeks were adorably pink from running around and her eyes were twinkling. I nuzzled her cheek, keeping an eye on Mom as they talked.

It was scary to know that beneath her bright surface that there were dark thoughts in Ana's mind. She was so scared to send her brothers, and most of her pack, off alone. Despite Nyal's constant reassurance that there were no lingering wolves around, she was afraid to send her brothers so far. Her brain had already worked out plans of attack and rescue at a speed that rivaled Nyal's processing power.

If I were in wolf form, my hackles would've raised as my father passed where we stood. He didn't stop to talk but we didn't miss how his eyes slid over to us.

"As I was saying," Ana nudged me to pay attention to their conversation. "I was just telling Luke he should take you to our family's beach house."

"You have access to a beach house?!" Ana's incredulity had me ducking my head as if leaving out that minor detail was a crime.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," I defend myself. I sensed her wolf perking up as mine said things Ana nor I dare not say with my mother present.

But was Mom was no fool as she smirked knowingly. "The doctor said you should be off the cane next week. Are you going with the others once the college gens give the all clear?"

Ana and I exchanged glances, "We may go but we're not staying," Ana replied, "Tammy will go to manage the pack there but I rather be here. Axel is still on bed rest and he's not happy about it so someone needs to keep him in line."

"Not to mention I need to work out plans with on our side," I piped up, "so far the general consensus is that we will have rotations to go help out the Ashworths and it's just to work out who will go and when."

"Oh so you do get something done in those meetings?" Ana's grip on my shoulder tightened as my father joined us. "I'm impressed."

"Your patriotism is welcoming," I brushed off his comment, riling him up. Mom rolled her eyes but before anyone could talk, Alpha Ashworth cleared his throat.

"We're ready." His jaw was set with the knowledge that he diffused another impending argument.

Ana outstretched her arms and Alpha Ashworth turned around and hoisted her onto his back. Just like a child Ana shouted her demands as he piggybacked her with us following behind. Like before, all of her brothers had their time with her but their emotions were so intense that I could taste it in air. They were so scared of leaving each other, Alpha Ashworth called in all his children for a family hug. I felt a piece of Ana's heart break.

"You all are the first step into rebuilding our pack. You are the leaders into our future. I have not doubt in my mind that you will not fail us in this task," Alpha Ashworth spoke to the crowd. "I know you all understand the importance of the task handed to you and I expect nothing but the best from you all."

A sudden breeze rustled the trees and tousled the grass and our hair. I tilted my head up, wishing I were in wolf form to feel it caress my fur.

"Simul autem resurgemus!" Alpha Ashworth shouted to the wind.

"Simul autem resurgemus!" chorused the Ashworth pack as the college gens shifted in waves. 

The air became filled with howls as line by line they disappeared into the forest. Asher, Ari, Rowan and Jared came up to Ana who gave them one last pet and a kiss on the nose before they set off. Alpha Ashworth hugged Anastasia tightly as the college gens howls grew faint. I walked back to the balcony, giving them their privacy.

"Hey, don't cry," I murmured, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Ana curled up on me as I sat in the hammock, "you're going to wake Axel up." That earned me a chuckle as my fingers threaded through her hair.

"What is your pack motto?" Ana asked as the sun set and her sobs had quieten.

"Familia ante omnia," I replied, " 'family over all'. Be it by blood or bond." I felt Ana smile as she mused over it. "What does yours mean?"

"Together, we rise. Be it by blood or bond."

I grinned as our chuckles ushered the night in. 

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