Chapter 15

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          A/N Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated and well kind of abandoned wattpad for a while I was going through a lot and couldn't write anything but now I'm back into the writing mood so when ever I get a chance I will be writing and updating the stories on here and even though I'm 14 I'm writing a book that maybe in the future I would love to get published but it probably wont happen but if you guys would want to read it tell me and I can put it on here well anyways enjoy the story.

          The next morning after that dream you had you still haven't slept the guys were worried about you. They didn't know what to do they wanted to help you they really did but they didn't know how to they all cared about you. So while you sat there in the back of the bus Andy came and sat next to you and wrapped his arm around you and kissed your cheek. "Hey I think you should get some rest you've been up all night." He says to you softly. "it will be a while till we get to our next location. you nodded your head as if saying ok and got up and went to you and Andy's bunk and laid down and hugged you pillow.

          You kept tossing and turning and you couldn't fall asleep so you gave up and went out to go see the guys. They were all watching TV and joking around as usual you walked in and smiled and sat between Andy and Ashley they all looked at you and asked if you got any sleep but you shook your head "No I couldn't fall asleep and I don't understand why." They all looked at each other then back at you. "Has this happened to you before?" Andy asks concerned. You think back to when you were younger and you remember this happening you couldn't sleep for weeks your mother brought you to the doctor and he told you are fine but no one beliveded the doctor but your family doesn't trust them any ways.

              "Yea I have gone through this but no one could tell us what was wrong with me so I don't know why this is happening." You tell them as they give you sorrowful looks feeling bad for you because no one knows why this is happening. But they don't want to force her to find out what's wrong so they just left it alone and went to go back to what they were doing to get their minds off it. Eventually you guys made it to the next stop and you still had a few hours till the show so you went to go get some food ate then got ready and went to the show.

                  You all had a blast you even sang on stage with Andy and the crowd went crazy when you started singing but you couldn't tell if it was because you and Andy were singing together or because you finally had the guts to sing at all. But after all of the fun was over you went you all went back to the bus and crashed and that was the end of that night.

   A/n well that's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed.

Andy Biresack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now