Chapter 20

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Okay so I'm going to make a little change from last chapter I'm going to re edit it instead of it being two weeks away from the wedding I think I'll make it three I don't want things to get too rushed so if you want me to add in anything before the wedding go ahead and let me know and thank you too everyone who has been supporting this story

Today was a day you and Andy finally got to relax. When suddenly his phone went off. You looked at him he checked it too see it was a text from Ashley.
Ashley: hey I know this seems very last minute but we've been asked to perform at a fundraiser?!?!?
Andy: Well it's fine we can perform and what is the fundraiser for?
Ashley: it's to help kids with cancer. So I'll let them know we'll be there
Andy: okay when?
Ashley: tomorrow starts at like 11-12 I think
Andy: okay sounds good see ya then bye
Ashley: okay bye
"What's going on?" You asked confused as Andy put his phone down. " ware going to perform at a fundraiser tomorrow."
~~~~time skip to tomorrow~~~~
You and Andy have just gotten done getting ready to go to the fair grounds for the fundraiser. They aren't that far away from your place only about 20 minutes away.
Once you two arrived you ran over to help get everything set up while all the people were wondering around getting food or exploring other things. Once the stage was set up you all decided to go wonder around.
You all enjoyed walking around seeing all the people having a good time playing some little games that were set up or seeing little like craft tent people made knowing all the money here is going to a good cause. Andy grabs your hand, "hey I'm gonna go run and grab something okay.?" You nodded not knowing what he was going to do but you wondered to go get some water for you both for when he comes back it's kind of hot out. A few minutes later Andy comes back with something in his hand. He runs up to you "hey I won you a teddy bear!" You smiled " you didn't have to do that." "I wanted to." He kisses your forehead and handed you the teddy bear. You blushed a little "thank you it's adorable." He smiled as well "you're welcome babe."
~~~~time skip~~~~
The show has now started and your sitting backstage watching them. You were happy for them all the fans and everything. Soon enough after about four songs were played you were called to the stage. You walked up and stood next to Andy he wrapped his arm around you. "Alright so you all may know I'm getting married in a few weeks to this beautiful lady here." You blushed and waved the crowd screamed. "So today (y/n) is going to sing a song with us today!" Everybody screamed.
The music started it was (your fave bvb song) you and Andy loved to sing together. You had so much fun singing with him on stage the crowd was happy too. But soon enough it was over and everyone was leaving. The goal for the donations were reached everyone was happy. Once you guys had everything together and packed you all brought it back to the trailer and went home.

Okay so that's the chapter I hope you enjoyed it also sorry my updates might become slow again because my grandparents take away my phone at night now so I'll update stories when I can also how would you guys feel if I started another story soon maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk feel free to comment your thoughts bye 😂😁🖤👍😊🙂👻🐼🤪😈🐲☘️👽💀🌵👾☠️🍀😆😋

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