Chapter Three |Year Three|

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Chapter Three |Year Three|

And when Dumbledore had said those few words, no sooner did the Sorting commence. Amelie was extremely nervous, and fidgeted around nervously, playing with the few wisps of hair that had been left out of her bun.

"Nervous?" asked Hermione, who was sitting right next to her. Amelie nodded.

"Oui, but that's because I want to get into Gryffindor beacoup and I'm worried I won't get into it," said Amelie miserably. Hermione patted her new friend's shoulder, comforting the young French girl.

"Merde!" Hermione said in French, if not a bit wobbly in her pronunciation. "You will, you're destined to be a Gryffindor!"

Amelie smiled glumly, and place her head into her hands. She didn't even know a thing about Hogwarts, but this, this sorting, determined all the people she would hang out with, how she would be judged, everything.

The teachers wheeled in a ruddy, worn-down hat, and it just sat there for a while, looking old and useless.

"What is that?" whispered Amelie to Hermione. Hermione grinned.

"Oh, you'll see. It's brilliant, that hat," came her reply.

So Amelie sat down in her chair and waited. And certainly indeed, that hat did turn out to be very brilliant. Soon enough, a small, faint tear on the brim of the hat opened, coughed, and delighted gasps came from the first years. Amelie didn't gasp, that would be rather childish. (Or so she did think)

Then it started the song. The song that began Amelie's life at Hogwarts. Amelie watched in fascination as the hat began to open the little flap along the brim and start to sing. Brilliant.

"A thousand years or more ago

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor..."

and then on the hat went, singing about all sorts of things, the four founders of the houses, Godric Gryffindor, Helena Ravenclaw, (Or as Ron liked to say it, Ravencaw) Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff was said to be full of duffers and nimbuses, but Amelie thought about it and decided that wasn't true. Based on everything she'd been taught, muggles were good, and it was true that if wizards hadn't married muggles, then the wizarding population would have died out. Her family was classified as "blood traitors" after all.

And, on the other side of the room, Draco Malfoy knew that was true, too. But of course he would never dare to say anything like that, or ever defend filthy mudbloods and muggles alike. He hated Hufflepuff. Of all the wizards in the wizarding population, Helga Hufflepuff had supported the mudbloods. What the hell? Draco thought bitterly, as he was extremely bored from the sorting.

But then, the Sorting hat called out, "Santerre, Amelie." Draco became a bit interested in the Sorting when that happened. For one, the two Santerres, who were part-veela, fabled to be animagi, and drop-dead gorgeous. And purebloods, although they happened to be blood traitors.

Who wouldn't be interested? Quit that, scolded Draco to himself silently. He would not go lusting over a blood traitor, especially when she had the possibility of being sorted into Gryffindor. She had already made many friends in Gryffindor, as Draco had observed.

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