C1: Twists are Fun

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Chapter One || Twists are Fun

'Life is a maze full of twists; it will make you dizzy...' The DJ cackled on her speaker as Kendall rolled her eyes. "No shit? It's full of freakin'-tastic twists it make me nauseous and dizzy and fucked up! You better know what you are talking about." Swerving sharply on the narrow lane, her Mercedes almost flipping upside down, she cursed again. She usually wasn't the cursing type of person. But life gives you shit, you tend to learn.

A car honked behind her. She gazed up to her front mirror to see a police car tailing behind her. She cursed again for the nth time that day.

"What now? You are trying to start over again and it has to start with a ticket?" She stomped on the break making her lurch forward then wrenched back again because of her seatbelt. The sheriff stopped behind her shortly.

She watched as a tall man clad with white and black sheriff uniform complete with a badge, stood beside her car. She must admit he filled the uniform quite deliciously, her gaze travelling from his dishevelled rich brown hair down to his slightly buff pecs and down to his legs.

The police officer knocked on her window and she rolled it down. Levelling him with her NY chic look, she spoke, "Hi sheriff, I am not over speeding, right?"

"20 above the legal speed, lady," He drawled his voice deep baritone with a hint of some country twang. It was sexy. But not as much as his eyes, his eyes were the thing, the bomb.

"Really? DJ Cooke must have preoccupied me with his musing about life and mazes I didn't notice it, sheriff." Kendall tucked her unruly blonde hair beneath her ear as his full lips quirked half a millimetre.

"You headed to Appleshore, I presume?" He asked and she jerked her head.

"Got a relative there? Or husband?" The muscle on her jaw ticked as she bit a rude retort.

"Are you going to give me a ticket, Officer? Because I am in a hurry and as much as I wanted to tell you about my family and husband, or lack thereof, I don't have the time. Maybe while having a bottle of beer, but not while I am on my way to somewhere." Some place where I could erase every single thing for the past seven years of my life and then maybe start over again.

He grinned slowly and a dimple dotted his scuffed cheek. She stared at that dip in his cheek then her eyes averted it's perusing to his lips. "And I would like to go back to listening to DJ Cooke." She mumbled distractedly, still staring shamelessly at his lips, it quirked into another easy grin.

Her eyes snapped back onto his.

"Be careful, the road is tricky and narrow, many cars topple over the lane and this road is accident prone. Maybe you can slow down a little while you listen to DJ Cooke," he grinned again, her eyes trained on how his lips formed it, "and twists are fun. On second thought, can I do a rain check about that bottle of beer?" He asked straightening his back and he started to walk back to his car, leaving her blinking on the space he left.

Twists are fun. Fuck no. A bottle of beer with a hot brown eyed man, double-fuck no! Kendall Avery's life was simple, calculated and planned. She hated mazes; everything about her was about accuracy and straight lines. She topped in her university, she studied like a beast, and she taught Physics just right after she got her Degree in Education. She was a successful independent woman at a young age, everything was according to plan.

And then she met him, Henry Johnsons, everything that she dreamed about a man, or so she thought. But to be fair, nobody really knows what's in store for them in about seven years later or so, right? So she wouldn't know that the man she married at the age of twenty-two was a cheating scumbag. And forgive her, Lord, she loved that man, still love him, to be precise.

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