C9: What Mattered Most

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Chapter Nine || What Mattered Most

When Kendall opened her eyes, the first thing that she thought was that she felt so rested for the first time in months since her marriage went downhill.

A smile tugged her lips because she felt good, her mind seemed clearer and her soul felt a little bit lighter. Half of her expected that she'd wake up alone and she was right while the other half of her hoped she'd wake up with Gavin by her side. She liked him, she wouldn't deny that and he made sure his intention to her was out in the open so she wouldn't mistake it for anything else.

Looking past to the space Gavin spent the night sleeping beside her, her eyes caught sight of the photo frame she placed there the first night she slept here in Appleshore --- her and Henry's wedding photo. How much had changed since she came here, really? Or rather, how much had changed since she met Gavin? For one, it became clearer that Henry and she was a done deal, no more going back, Henry wouldn't return to her. That hurt like a bitch. The concept that she was still in love with Henry was even more painful. But Gavin was like a balm that soothed her burns. She reached out and took the photo frame, tracing her smiling face with the pad of her thumb. She looked happy; did she know back then that it would turn out like this after seven years? She wished someone had told her then.

With a firm heart, she took her laptop resting at the first drawer of her nightstand and powered it on. God, she never knew she needed this; she needed the house her mother spent the rest of her life in. She needed the comfort Appleshore had offered her, maybe she had Katty to thank about that then.

Internet was a luxury and she thanked the heavens that despite being slow, she has a fair connection. Kendall opened her email and opened a new blank message, typed the emails of her best friends and started typing:

I woke up today feeling something I haven't felt for months since I discovered about the affair my soon to be ex-husband with my sister --- I feel lighter. I hated my mother because she left me, abandoned me outside the fantasy world I have lived in until I was about 8 years old. Then suddenly the responsibility of raising a kid got dumped on me at the same time being a kid myself and it scarred me and made me hate my mother more. I wasn't ready, never have been that time and thinking about it now, I have never been ready. Maybe that too was a fault against my sister who somehow became estranged to me. I hated my mother, but I never knew I would need her like this; never knew I would have taken comfort of the thing she left for me. But that didn't excuse how Mindy ruined my married life, how she coveted with my husband whom the only person who freed me from being a prisoner of my own miserable life. I loved him to bits and it's breaking me what we are now --- nothing. Damn, I cried myself every night but since I met Gavin Lanherth, the town sheriff, I realized, I stopped racking myself crying every night. I slept with him last night, not slept as in had sex with him, no he was too much of a gentleman to make a move on me like that, and then here I am, writing on you guys. I know you girls are probably keen on writing back and demanding more about who is this Gavin I am talking about and what is my relationship with him, but to burst your giddy bubbles, I, myself don't know that. But, *sigh* this morning, I will see him and talk to him. Till then, wait for my update. I hope this goes well, wish me luck girls.

P.S I will be signing the divorce papers, but I don't think it would be now, maybe sometime later? But not right now.

P.P.S. Appleshore is such a charming place, I would invite you girls here some time. xxx




Gavin just entered the Police Station when Karen welcomed him with a face splitting grin. He wondered what it was about this time, so when he looked past the excited woman to his office and saw a lady sitting at the visitors chair inside his office, his brows burrowed.

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