C6: Starlight Express

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Chapter Six || Starlight Express

Managing an inn was such a tedious job - Kendall learned that after two weeks of running around the town, fixing taxes, paying bills, hiring people for renovations, then advertising. She was mostly alone except for Jamich as her stand-up coach (not so very much since the old lady didn't know anything about managing a business, it was not a surprise the inn was in the brink of close down) and being the keeper of the inn.

She didn't hear shit about Gavin after they talked at the police department. She didn't even see him around, how that was even possible since Appleshore wasn't big was a real wonder. On second thought, it was big enough for a man who was deliberately hiding from her. He must have thought she wasn't worth the effort or anything after all.

But that was what she wanted in the first place, right? The reason why she went there and made him to do the freaking math? Every time he did something really nice for her, she was so ready to push him away and now that he was freaking away she sulked in her office?

Now what's the deal?

She became like this because of what Henry did to her, she wasn't stupid. Kendall knew she somewhat viewed this whole fiasco as something bothersome in the first place because Gavin was a man, an alpha male that could most probably break her heart into smithereens. What could possibly go wrong if a normal female met this striking beautiful man, who did nothing but make her feel better and safe despite meeting just for days? But maybe that was the deal about being Kendall Avery, she wasn't normal --- maybe that was the reason why Henry got tired of her and sought for another sweet pleasure, and just right in the form of her freaking little sister.

She needed to get her head checked, seriously.

"You should go out sometime, Kendall." Suzy rolled her eyes which were trained on her nails. She'd been at Kendall's office since that morning and resigned herself with manicuring her nails. And Kendall also noted that Suzy was there for no apparent reason, as she was told.

"Don't need a reason to visit a girlfriend in her own jail." Suzy said as she planted her ass down at Kendall's new plush beige one-seating sofa which she bought in a handsome price but bought it anyway because it went so well with the new paint of her office.

"I am busy," she said distractedly as she continuously clicked on the webpage she was making for the inn. She could have hired some agency to make it but she liked doing it and besides it would lessen her expenses. "I will once the inn is all set up."

"Girl, this inn is all set up, you're just obsessing on that website of yours which by the way somebody else could have done," she raised her hand, halting Kendall from butting in on her tirade, "I know, you liked doing it and you're saving money blah blah, but you are a woman,"

Kendall quirked an eyebrow, "a twenty-eight year old woman," Suzy paused for drama which Kendall came to learn from the two weeks of spending time with her, Suzy lived and fed off drama. "With a knock out body, gorgeous hair and come hither eyes," Kendall started chuckling, leaning back at her office chair, "it's an imperative for you to loosen up those knots at your back!" Suzy finished, throwing her hand for emphasis.

They held each other's eyes, neither of them backing down. Kendall sworn off men, got cheated on, but it didn't mean she couldn't go out there, get drunk, sloshed or wasted, flirt to random guys and go home smiling and dead to the world. She shouldn't bury herself with things like this.

So she sighed, "Fine," Suzy jumped from her chair and fist pumped the air, grinning like a lunatic.

"I knew you'd give in," she winked and blew a kiss towards Kendall, "I'll go down here after my shift at the shack then we'll plump that hair out and we'll wear kick-ass fuck me outfits! I am so excited!" She said and stormed out of the room.

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