C8: Tonight I Give in to Believing

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Chapter Eight || Tonight I give in to Believing

“He has a daughter, I mean, could this get any more complicated?” Kendall said, leaning back on to her office chair and regarded Suzy wearily. She enjoyed every second spent with Gavin last night too much that it scared her.

They talked, though carefully avoiding topics about their own personal issues (mostly her issues), but she still loved it. Yes, the word warranted what she experienced last night. Appleshore was such a wonderful haven for confused women like her --- she now realized.

“Yes, she’s quite a piece but a sweet girl nonetheless. I am sure you’ll meet her one of these days, with Gavin or not. This town is so small for the two of you not to bump onto each other.” Suzy said as a matter of fact and Kendall agreed. Of course, she dreaded meeting Haley, the daughter.

But why would she dread it?

As if there was something between Gavin and her, which there wasn’t yet, that much she was certain. Gavin said they were dating, but that was too fast, so nope.

“Haley” Kendall asked, straightening from her chair and rubbing her eyes with her palms. Since she came in this burg, she passed on putting eye makeup; it wasn’t appreciated in this place anyway.

Suzy chuckled, “Yeah, I told you she’s quite a piece, not the usual girl for her age of sixteen.”

Gavin must have married too young.” She mused, looking outside the window and watching as the wind tickled the leaves of the trees. She loved the view outside her office, it was relaxing, mind boggling comforting.

“Yeah, he was nineteen years old. It was a shame; he was a star you know, so much talent gone to waste just because he fell in love with the wrong woman. Hadn’t he told you about it yet?”

Kendall frowned, still not looking at Suzy, “No.”

“I’m not surprised. It was almost a taboo to talk about it. People talk in this town but not that story about Gavin. No, people’s loyalty prevented them from munching on it. Besides, too much pain, it brought pain to Appleshore’s wonder boy.” She expected it; she also wondered why such a precious man got stuck on this small town when he could make it big.

It took no brainer to see he’s intelligent, he’s capable, more than capable. But Gavin loved the town; she could see it, just from the way he proudly talked about the landscape, the townspeople, and the mayor. Everyone has something good told about them and Kendall liked listening to him.

Would she know about the story behind that wasted talent, about the early fatherhood? Must be hard for him, Kendall’s heart went out for him. “Don’t feel sorry for him, I tell you. We love him, he’s a hero, and he protects the town. And he loves his daughter to the core; he’d kill just to keep her safe.” Suzy hurried to continue seeing the shadow befalling Kendall’s face.

Kendall smiled, “I don’t, and in fact I find it amazing. Him sacrificing so much for a daughter at an early age, I was just curious. That’s all.” She looked at the relieved face of her friend.

“He’ll talk about it with you. He looks at you as if you hang the moon out there. It’s kind of funny, actually.” Suzy chuckled at herself. It flattered her but Kendall couldn’t help but doubt it. She wasn’t sure if it was a good idea --- going on into this something between them.

“It’s not that easy between us.” She blurted and Suzy looked at her befuddled.

“Why? You two are so good for each other, such an eye candy for a small town. You’re almost a celebrity!”

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