C14: Where You Belong

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Chapter Fourteen || Where You Belong

Kendall took out the stainless tray from her oven when the phone rang. Jamich was on the porch and Kendall heard the old woman asking her to answer the phone. There were times when Kendall pondered whether Jamich was under her payroll or not, which for the record, Jamich was indeed under her payroll.

Jamich acted more like she was the boss most of the time.

Kendall rolled her eyes but did it smiling, took off her mittens and strutted her way to the telephone.

"Sweet Pleasures Inn, what can I do for you?"

"Darling," Gavin said from the other end of the line and the smile from Kendall's face grew wider. It was silly but she felt happy just from hearing his voice.

This wasn't Gavin's first time calling but like the other times it never failed to make Kendall giddy. She was acting like a freaking school girl, it was a tad bit disgusting.

She bit her lip to stop herself from smiling like a fool, "Honey,"

"I want you to have dinner with us later." He said and her heart beat doubled inside her chest. Her lips parted as her breath came out as a rush.

"What?" She was staring in nothingness as his words replayed inside her head. Did she hear him right?

"Darling, don't think too much. Just come here by six and we'll have dinner. That's all." Gavin told her and she could almost see his grin and her heart went crazy inside her chest.

Gavin was serious. He wanted her in his house to have dinner with him and Haley. This was really happening.

"Oh, a-all right. Should I bring anything?" She asked, still trying to rein her heart with no avail.

Gavin chuckled, "Just yourself, Kendall."


"See you later, babe."

A small smile settled in her lips, "See you later, honey."

The call ended and before her knees buckled, Kendall braced herself on the wall, her hands clutching her sweater like a lovesick fool. She stayed like that with a stupid grin in her face.

Kendall went nuts, Suzy had witnessed it when she stopped by the inn. Jamich was lounging comfortably on the island stool when Suzy came and saw the mess of sweets at Kendall's kitchen.

"Are you baking goods for the whole town?" Suzy asked as she placed her purse on the island and poked at the frosted cupcakes nearest to her.

"What? No! I'm making desert for Gavin and Haley." Kendall said finally stopping from frosting the last set of cupcakes.

"You're giving tons of cupcakes to Gavin and Haley? Just the two of 'em?" Suzy asked incredulously.

"I'm taking a dozen for me." Jamich chimed in and two heads snapped to her.

"Uh, but still, there's still two dozens. Don't you think that's too much?" Suzy said, eyeing the said cupcakes.

Kendall's face fell, "Is it too much?"

Suzy burst out laughing, "Damn, girl. Of course this is too much!"

"Cut the woman some slack, she went crazy from nerves because Gavin asked her to dinner." Jamich said as Kendall rolled her eyes at the two of them, removing her apron.

"A date?" Suzy asked smiling at Kendall.

"Not exactly," Kendall muttered flopping down on the island tool, feeling exhausted.

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