C11: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Chapter Eleven || One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Lunch was fun. They arranged a table on the back patio and laid the meal there. Jamich and Haley fixed themselves a Caesar Salad to go with the grilled beef kebab. The water lapped on the seashore and the cool December breeze warmed Kendall's heart.

Jamich was really crazy, that Kendall must say. But the old woman cracked them up so hard that Kendall almost choked with her food. Gavin's carefree laugh was music in her ears and Kendall loved watching them interact. So, this was how a family eat a meal together, she thought to herself.

Haley on the other hand kept on looking at her funnily, as if she was trying to figure Kendall out. Whenever Gavin would tell her something, and Gavin did that a lot, she'd always catch Haley's suspicious eyes latched on them. It was funny actually and it only made Kendall want to know what was running wild inside the girl's head.

The sun has set when they finally decided to call it a day, they also helped Kendall paint the whole reception area and surprisingly, they finished it.

Kendall thanked them furiously; of course Gavin brushed it off. Jamich wasn't much of help but her hilarious commentaries were enough of an entertainment. Haley mumbled a lot of things as she worked but she still helped and Kendall kept in mind to thank the girl properly next time.

Jamich and Haley had already climbed up the truck. She stood in her doorway as Gavin said goodbye to her.

"Thank you so much, Gavin. I can't remember when the last time I have so much fun like this was." She said, hugging him, her nose buried in his chest.

"You don't have to thank me," he said and she stepped away, giving him a disbelieving look.

"Whatever you say sheriff, you should go on your merry way." She said chuckling as Gavin's face broke into a heart stopping grin.

"Makes me a little nostalgic," He murmured, closing the distance between them once again. Kendall couldn't help it as her heart sped up and butterflies fluttered from the pit of her stomach.

Somehow, Gavin could turn her into a hormonal teenager with a flick of his fingers and that was too much, even the zap of electricity from when he touch her, she couldn't help but acknowledge it and it was enough to ring warning bells inside her head.

There was this fear at the back of her mind, what if she was getting this wrong again? What if she does something wrong again?

She could only stare as the magic happened in his eyes, she felt like drowning in everything that is Gavin Lanherth and the bad news was that she didn't want to be saved.

Gavin dipped his head, catching her mouth in a searing kiss that only sent her head in turmoil. But she didn't say that she didn't liked it, in fact, she liked it so much that it took only a second before she was kissing him back, her hand on his hair and him squeezing her as if he wanted to fuse her with his body.

She wouldn't complain.

The honking of his truck stopped them from devouring each other and Gavin ended the kiss. Kendall chuckled.

"I'll miss you," Gavin murmured huskily and awareness pooled down to her quivering dooda.

She playfully punched him in the chest, "Whatever, sheriff, seriously you have to go. Someone's a little impatient." She said referring to the two gals waiting for him in the truck.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Gavin waggled his eyebrows suggestively then Kendall's eyes travelled southward and saw what he meant.

She burst into gaggles of laughter.

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