C13: She Found a Friend in You

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Chapter Thirteen || She Found a Friend in You

It took them a long time before Haley and Kendall finished all those foods, but not quite, they were so full that they couldn't even finish the platter of lasagne. But they finished the pizza, no one left a pizza uneaten, that would be breaking a law of nature.

"That was..." Haley burped and she quickly covered her mouth, turning red.

Kendall chuckled but she was so full that opening her mouth might trigger vomiting. "I think I get the point."

"I'm in pizza euphoria." Haley mused again, lying against the plush backrest of the seat, closing her eyes.

Kendall snorted, "Tell me about it."

They caught each other's eyes and then burst into gaggles of laughter. Haley was wiping a tear from the corner of her eye when Kendall called for the waitress' attention.

The young girl came carrying the bill and gave it to Kendall.

"Your dad's pizza is still the best, Anne." Haley said to Anne and the girl's eyes darted to Kendall. There was a friendly glint in her eyes.

Anne smiled widely, "Thanks Haley, I hope you guys come again."

"Of course, Anne, I'm Kendall." Kendall gave her payment to Anne.

"You must be new in town."

"She is. She's from New York City. Isn't it awesome?" Haley perked from her seat and grinned widely at Anne who upon hearing New York had swivelled her head at Kendall's direction.

"OMG. You're like a celebrity!" Anne gushed making Kendall laugh more.

"Not really, how come you guys know each other?" Kendall said, adeptly changing the topic.

"Oh, dad and I used to come here when I was a kid. My mom used to work here." Haley said with a flick of her hand, dismissively, the girl didn't even realize it.

"I'll be right back for your change." Anne murmured and made a move but Kendall stopped the girl.

"Keep the change, Anne." She smiled to Anne and looked at Haley, raising one freshly plucked eyebrow.

"Let's go?"

"To where?" Haley asked, following Kendall as she went out of the restaurant. Instead of going to where she parked the car, she walked on the opposite direction.

"Walk around, since we're already here, let's explore for a bit." Kendall said as Haley caught up with her and they walked side by side.

"Well this town is smaller and has a lot of woods unlike in Appleshore, being in the farthest side of Colorado we're on the seaside."

Kendall nodded, "I wonder why it's not snowing."

"It doesn't snow very much around this part of Colorado, but we got thunderstorms. They are the worst." Haley said enjoying that she knew so much making Kendall smile.

"Do you like it when it snows?" She asked Haley as they stopped in front of a water fountain. It looked ancient and there was no water in it, seemed like it has been years since this fountain really produced water. People walked past them, scurrying on their own way as the wind picked and made Kendall shiver despite her thick jacket. It was cold, but not enough to start snow.

Haley sat on the fountain bench and rubbed her protruding belly. Kendall chuckled and sat beside her.

"Yes, I love it since we only get it very infrequently. You get snows in NY right?"

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