Chapter Fifteen

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Alex's POV

  I woke up with Jack's arms wrapped around me and his face buried in my chest. His hair fell in his eyes almost making him look like a child. I couldn't help but smile from how cute he looked. I didn't want to wake up by getting up so I just craned my neck to see his clock 12:35pm. I hadn't realized how tired I was last night until and I guess Jack's tired too especially after me leaving him to take care of himself while I slept. I kind of feel bad, but not really.

"Jacky it's past noon," I whispered in his ear, earning a groan in protest.

"No," he mumbled, hiding his face in my shirt.

"Come on Jack I'm hungry," I whined as I tried to remove myself from his arms.

"Noooo," He whined, pulling me closer.

"So your going to starve me just so you can sleep longer?" I asked with a light laugh.


"Then let me get my phone so I can order pizza or something."

  He grumbled something that I couldn't understand and let me go. I smiled and grabbed my phone off the floor and went through my contacts. When I found the number I hit call and waited for them to answer. After about three rings they answered. I gave them my order and Jack's address and hung up. I looked down at Jack to see he had already gone back to sleep. I rolled my eyes and shook him.

"Wake up we have thirty to forty minutes until the pizza gets here."

"Why do I have to be awake before it gets here?" He asked, rolling onto his back and looking at me with tired eyes.

"Because I need you to lend me some clothes so I can shower."

"You know where my dresser is," he mumbled and tried to pull the blanket over his head.

"That's no fun," I pouted, pulling the blanket off him.

"fine you go shower and I'll get you some clothes."

"Thank you," I smiled, leaning down and pecking him on the lips.

  Jack managed to push himself up into a sitting position. His hair was sticking up in all directions.  I smiled and walked out of his room and to the bathroom across the hallway. I closed the door behind me and turned on the shower. While I waited for it to heat up I stripped off my clothes and got out a towel. Once the water was at the right temperature I stepped into the shower. I stood under the water for a few minutes before grabbing Jack's shampoo. I scrubbed my hair and started giving myself and shampoo mohawk. I felt like a child, but it made me happy. I had to keep myself from bursting into song. If Jack heard me singing in the shower he would never let me live it down. I quickly finished washing my hair and the rest of my body. When I stepped out of the shower I could hear Green Day playing on full blast. I laughed and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back to Jack's room. He was already dressed and dancing around like a fool. His back was facing me as he jumped around and sang the words at the top of his lungs.

"If I wasn't naked right now I'd join your weird dance party," I said with a laugh.

  He jumped and turned down the stereo before facing me. His cheeks were tinted pink from embarrassment.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked, his blush getting a deeper shade of pink.

"A minute of two," I replied with a smile.

  He hid his face in his hands and collapsed onto the bed. He was mumbling about how embarrassing it was and that I should have spoke up when I got in the room. While he went on about how embarrassed he was I picked up the clothes he got out for me and started to get dressed. I threw my towel at him and pulled on the hot pink boxers he chose for me.

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