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I once told myself I knew right from wrong. But as of this moment, I Derek Harris have ultimately fucked up. You see it all started a little something like this...

*A Little Over a Week Ago*

The classroom was rowdy as usual, I mean it was a Friday so why wouldn't you? I of course wanted to be a royal pain in the ass; for my favorite teacher, Mr. Thompson . I wasn't really feeling this class and just to my luck I was called up to the board, expecting to answer a question. I already knew all of this so I decided that I would rather bring fun to this class. I started with drawing a dick in-between some boobs, you know the stuff guys seem to be into. And just as i was going into detail with the dick I was ordered to sit down. Just as I made my way to my seat the guy I hate the most decided he wanted to join the class today. Ryder Jackson. And as usual the girls swooned and the guys scowled. The worst part about him showing up today has to be that I now had a partner for the history project we were just assigned a few minutes ago. That means I would be forced to work with his sorry ass, it wasn't even in school hours! So there goes my spare time.

As he took his seat beside me I gave him a harsh glare. In return I received a smirk, and I'd sworn I heard a chuckle. But the smirk still remained, the same mind blowing smirk that I use to laugh at when we were younger. Oh how I'd love to kiss his sof...

''Morning dimwit'' With that simple phrase I came crashing down from my high. So once again my scowl returned and I snarled '' Fuck you asshole.'' With that I shoved my face into my book.

When the bell finally sounded for the next class I was the first out of the door. I made my way to my locker, in search of my one and only beloved friend; Sam. As my locker came into view I found Sam, right where she always is. Rocking a skater skirt and leather black jacket, a slight peek of the tattoos she'd gotten on a night out of us being drunk. When I finally arrived I'd heard her listening to her favorite band, BearTooth. As she moved along ,her fringe and snakebites moved with her.She peeked up at me with her usual smile, her snake bites poking out.

''Hey'' she said with a little spunk to it. I'd usually play along with the perky attitude but my day was ruined.My mood was taking a slight turn for the better from being with my best friend.

'' Wanna just head to next period?'' She glanced in my direction so I just gave a slight nodd. She pointed an accusing finger at me ,''what's got your panties in a twist?'' I glanced up in the direction of all my problems enjoying his life and swaggering down the hall.And just like that Sam knew exactly what it was. ''Let me guess, the boy toy was made your partner?'' I nodded ''Sadly yes.'' She smirked at me and began again. ''You're afraid you won't be able to control your sexual fantasies?'' I was on my wait to nodding my head when i realized what she'd said.    '' Wait no!'' A few glances were cast our way as I brought my hands up to my face, in an effort to cover the pink tint covering my cheeks. I mean sure he's uncontrollably hot and sexy but I'm not interested.

When I deemed it safe to put them down I was quick to reply. '' I know I can control my fantasies just fucking fine, thank you very much.'' We walked into the next period, math. And just before we took our seats Sam whispered,'' whatever you say, Einstein.''

Soon after us walked in Mrs.Jill. Class began as usual and she explained multiple things .I honestly couldn't care less, since once again I knew this already, I don't even know why I'm here. I was snapped out of my thoughts and took a little interest when I saw that Sam had been called up to the board. Sam as usual had her headphones in and was listening to music, her name was called multiple times and she still didn't listen. So after multiple times of being asked by Mrs.Jill the unlucky bastard;Tom who just so happened to be sharpening his pencil, snatched out her headphones. I burst out laughing when Sam turned towards him quickly. By then i was up and out of my seat. Just before Sam could bash his face in I grabbed her arm and returned her to her seat behind me. '' Sorry about that Mrs. J she hasn't had her mid day coffee.'' with that out of the way I turned towards Sam and glared.'' Do you want to go back to counseling classes?'' She scoffed,'' No way in hell dip shit, now turn back around.''

After that class resumed normally, excluding a pissed off Sam and Tom who was still scared shitless, and would probably avoid Sam from now on.

When we finally got to lunch I rushed to the lunch line. Skipping over to an acquaintance of mine ,dragging Sam with me. I created a little small talk and went on ahead without further conversation. A gave a hello to the usual lunch lady and proceeded to observe and pick my items. I grabbed a ham sandwich and a carton of milk, paying at the end of the front of the line. I soon made my way over to our usual table, only to find a guy I've never seen before . He was sat in my usual seat so I just sat beside him and took this chance to check him out. He was slim but had some muscle, he sported a loose green-tee and some tan skinny jeans. As he looked up at me I noticed he had dark green eyes and the tips of his hair contained a tint of red. I think he said something but I wasn't to sure. When I finally zoned back into reality I spoke. ''What?''

His gaze focused in on me,'' I said hi.'' I felt myself flush a tint of red,of course he said something like that. I should've realized sooner. I cleared my throat to rid myself of embarrassment.              ''Hey, um, the names Derek.'' I held out my hand and received a firm grip and along with it came a friendly smile.'' I'm Alex.''

Authors Note

Im afraid I'll have to end it here, xD I wrote 5 pages for this counting front and back so I hope you stick along. Also thank you to a friend of mine who helped give me ideas for this story and for many more to come. I'll make an update soon so never fear. - Kayla

edited 1.6.17

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