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I saw an unknown guy sitting at our usual table.He was in my usual seat so i just took a seat beside him. I took the chance to check him out. He sported a green tee and tan pants. He was slim but had some muscle. When he looked up I noticed he had dark green eyes and the tips of his hair contained red.His name was Alex..

I then heard Sam introducing herself. We didn't really talk about much, just about music and our hobbies.'' You guys should seriously listen to Crywlolf, my favorite song has to be 'stomach it'.'

 Alex agreed to check it out and by the time we had finished lunch it was like Alex had been our friend forever. When I'd looked up I noticed the asshole, Ryder looking at me intently.But as soon as his gaze has fallen onto me it disappeared all the same.

*         *          *

It was finally the last class of the day, P.E. Class. And just to my luck Ryder had that class.As I headed into the gym, sadly parting ways with my beloved friends, my eyes connected with Ryder's.

That is until Mr.Moore our gym teacher spoke.'' Alright class we will be going into our stretch routine. You won't be choosing your pairs, I will so let's get started.'' He looked at me then at Ryder, who just so happened to be standing in front of me, just a little to the left.

'' Alright, Ryder and Derek, you guys will be together, Jake and Josh ....'' And the list continued on to the end of the class .I could care less, I was more concerned about about being partnered up with Ryder. 

I slowly glanced at Ryder. He wore a devious smirk on his face, with a hint of mischief in his eyes. I knew this was going to be a long class as we made our way towards the right back corner of the gym. I sat down on the floor, lying my legs in front of me , I slightly turned my head towards Ryder.'' Don't go trying anything funny, you ass.'' He placed his hands on my shoulders as he got onto his knees. He bent down more to whisper in my ear,'' Wouldn't dream of it sweetheart.'' I felt myself flush red  at the feeling of his hot breath.'' Whatever,just hurry up.''

 I reached my hands out as his hands made their way to my lower back. He applied pressure and tried to push me down further. Before I noticed he had a hand on my lower back as the other made its way towards my inner thigh.''w-what the hell are you doing.'' I gasped as a slight moan escaped my lips.I was honestly surprised and had no idea of what action I wanted to take. He rested his head on my shoulder,'' I'm helping you stretch, you seem to need release.'' As he said this he gave my thigh a squeeze, my head fell back against his chest as a chill found its way up my spine, from the spike of pleasure. ''Y-you have a girlfriend you ass-hat.'' I slapped his hands away and excused myself from gym class.

I saw Sam as where I knew she'd be. She's always next to the big oak tree.She loves to rock out  to music there.''skipping class again are we?'' she glanced up with a smirk.'' yeah no shit.'' I held out a hand for her, she took it and stood.''Well Sam I need to get my stuff from my locker.''

When we arrived to the hall,it was filled with multiple students eager to go home. We pushed our way to my locker and this bitch named Bella pushed Sam into the locker next to mine. She snarled then laughed with her friends.''Look it's the gay turd and his lesbian friend.''

Sam rolled her eyes and pushed Bella. She grabbed my shirt and roughly slammed her lips against mine. I quickly realized what she was doing and kissed back. I slowly brought my tongue into her mouth, making sure Bella got a good view. I snuck a peak at Bella and chuckled a bit,the outrageous look she had on her face was hilarious.  Sam pulled back and turned to Bella.'' Am I still a lesbian, you dumb bitch?'' Bella seemed to snap out of her daze.''Please don't flatter yourself.What are you guys are dating?'' Sam stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my hip.'' No shit Sherlock ,now stop looking at my man and run.'' By then Bella and her Aid filled groupies were long gone.When I turned back my gaze was caught by Ryder. I was quick to turn away, I saw him following behind,Bella, his bitch of a girlfriend. 

I was just questioning the expression on his face. I didn't know if it was of hurt, sadness or jealousy.Maybe he was angry about the encounter his 'precious' girlfriend had with us. It was to hard to tell nowadays.  I was snapped out of my daze when Sam turned towards me.''Dude I haven't kissed you since 4th grade.You need to work on your technique, like seriously I've kissed better.'' I grabbed my bag and dragged her with me to the parking lot, locating her car. ''Yeah,yeah its not like I go around kissing people.''

We got to Sam's car and I quickly sat in the passenger's seat as soon as she unlocked it.''What do you wanna do this weekend?'' She stuck her key in the ignition and started the engine. ''Not really sure ,wanna watch a movie ?'' I turned on the radio, not bothering to change the station since it was on the usual one. In-between by BearTooth was playing...

Authors Note

Yeah,yeah I know it's not that much, but if ya stick around you'll find out more.Besides i wrote like 9 chapters so far and it's sorta boring having to type them after writing them.However i hope ya have fun reading it. 1026 words. If you ever have any suggestions or ideas feel free to leave them down in the comment section.Until next time :>    -Kayla

edited 1.6.17

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