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Sam and Derek were sitting in Sam's car preparing to go home.

''Yeah, I guess. Your fucking music taste is bomb!''

Just as Sam was going to reply, there was a knock on the window. Sam rolled down the window and alex appeared. ''Hey,you think you can give me a ride?'' I turned to Sam as she gave a slight nod of her head. Alex opened the back door and hopped into the backseat.

'' I'm glad you said yes, I mean you guys are the only people I really know.'' Alex placed a hand on my headrest and leaned up.''By the way why do you have a shovel back here?'' The silence of Sam gave me an idea for a smart remark.''To bury your sorry ass.'' I gave a quick glare. He had a bizarre look on his face. When Sam and I could no longer hold in our laughter, we burst out laughing.

''We were just kidding!'' Sam looked into the rearview mirror,but seriously where do you live?'' Alex looked between us and leaned next to me,''Stalker status.'' Sam stopped at a red light and gave Alex a playful swat. He chuckled a bit,'' I was just kidding.''

He then proceeded to tell her his address. We had plans but I guess we could hang out with Alex on Saturday. ''Alex,come hang out with us on Saturday!''He nodded towards me and continued on.''Bye Sam.'' He gave a slight wave her way. I looked at him as he made his way out to his door.

''Fucking forget my name.'' He laughed and looked at me,''Bye to you too Derek.''

We soon drove off to my house, it was Friday today so Sam just planned on staying over, and would go home on Sunday morning.

I didn't bother asking my parents since I've known Sam for ages,maybe even before I knew I knew her. I unlocked the door and threw my bag
by the staircase. I left my shoes by the shoe rack and plopped down on the couch. I asked Sam what she wanted to watch as I scrolled through the movie channels. '' Any suggestions?''

''How about....hmm.. 'When the Bow Breaks' ?''

I sat up from my comfy position on the couch and tossed Sam the remote. ''Sure I'm gonna go make some yummy,yummy popcorn.'' I walked to the arch way and stopped,''want anything else?'' 

She switched her gaze from the tv to me.''Just some cherry soda.'' With that I continued into the kitchen and grabbed a packet of popcorn, quickly popping it into the microwave; setting it on 30 seconds. I made my way over to the fridge , grabbing four cherry soda's. 

By the time I'd finished doing that the popcorn was finished. I grabbed our snacks and returned to the living room. As I walked in, I took notice of the paused tv and quickly placed our snacks on the table. I quickly sat down and got comfy.The movie began to play after.

''What's this about?'' Sam glanced my way then back at the tv.'' Some crazy bitch who wanted to be with this guy who was already married and his wife couldn't have a baby. So she was going to do it for them.Basically, she got jealous and wanted the man for herself, so she wanted to kill his wife..''

We spent the next hour or so watching that movie.

Author's Note

Hey, I know what your thinking. This is hardly enough! Where's the rest? Well never fear because an update should be here! Soon at least. But i hope you enjoy it as always. -Kayla

Edited 1.6.17

Behind the Mask (bxb)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora