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         Seriously? Who actually expected me to go to class anyways. I walked right past the room I should be headed to, instead taking a ''detour'' to the library. The halls were clearing out as people made their ways to their classes,meanwhile I was headed towards the quite area of the school. It's usually empty in this part since most people tend to steer clear of the library besides nerds and those with no friends.OK fine, I go to the library too but only to sleep.

As I opened the door quietly, I inhaled the sweet aroma of the library and old and new books alike. The best part about the place probably would be that it has this old,classy feel to it but with a hint of home.

       I headed to the back of the library,finding a place in a secluded ,blocked off area, taking a seat at a table with two chairs. I took out a book I've come to enjoy recently, The Fifth Wave.  I skimmed to the last page I'd read and began my o so fun journey through the book. I sat in silence for a while besides the few complaints or comments about the characters.

The main character,Cassie, was shot in a highway by an ''alien'' or the others as they like to call it. This sexy piece of meat named Evan picked her up and brought her home. As bad as I want them to get together I doubt anything would ever happen, I mean nothing ever does. I slouched in my seat as I slowly began to dose off,inhaling the scent of paper.


I slowly sat up,popping my back as I stretched. ''Damn, that's always uncomfortable.'' As I was brought back to reality I noticed a packaged sandwich along with a note.

It read:

Dear Derek,

I found you asleep here so I brought you some lunch. Make sure you eat it too, I know how you get. After that feel free to sleep as long as you want, it's none of my business.

And so I did just that. I ate it. And man was it good, haven't had one like it in a long time. I sat up,collecting my things and made my way out of the library, throwing my trash away in a near by trashcan.

I walked the halls,taking a quick glance at my phone. 1:15. School would be over soon and since I didn't feel like going to gym, I made my way towards art instead. I wouldn't call myself all that good but I love to draw realistically. Since I suck at drawing cartoon and any other way I've come to love the realistic art style. Besides art's a really good way to express my thoughts and feelings, so I did that. I drew, and what a relieving feeling it was.


Ah,how it feels to be home. I kicked off my shoes and placed them on the shoe rack. I stopped in my tracks when I remembered who also lived here and let an exhausted sigh leave my lips.

''It's a living hell I tell you, a living hell. I made my way to the living room, I was greeted with the view of my father sitting on the couch reading the paper.. ''Holy shi-'' My dad turned his head to stare at me, an eyebrow was raised as if daring my to finish that sentence. A slight laugh escaped my lips. ''Holy shizell, great to see you dad.'' I flashed him a smile and he nodded his head.''That's what I thought you were gonna say. Welcome home to you too.''

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He didn't ask what was wrong and allowed me to hug him. ''This is a strange occurrence, if you don't mind me saying. What happened to 'Dad! I'm to old for hugs.'' I chuckled into his chest. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead before pulling back. I smiled up at him and slouched in the couch. ''So how was you and Lizabeth's trip?''

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