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I groaned softly as I reached over to my phone,turning off my alarm. I sat up,rubbing the sleep from my eyes before checking the time.
6:04 am
I seriously don't know why I force myself to get up this early.
I glanced at the floor,checking for any sign of Ryder. My eyes wandered over to the neatly folded covers beside my bed.
Guess he left early.
I got up from my comfortable position and made my way over to my dresser.
I grabbed whatever landed in my hands first and went into the bathroom.
I lazily brushed my teeth before stripping
myself of my clothes and stepping into the shower.
I hissed as the cold water made contact with my bare chest.
"I seriously need to turn on the shower before I get in, it's freaking cold."
It seemed as if I had only been in the shower for a short while but when I finally got out Sam had texted me to tell me she was already on her way.
I quickly ruffled my hair with my damp towel before throwing on my clothes.
I took a quick glance at my lotion before deciding I just had to be ashy today.
I ran down the stairs,taking two at a time.
I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my bag.
I jogged over to the kitchen and grabbed a fruit cup. Just because I have to be ashy doesn't mean I'll starve this morning.
I always have time for food. I laugh slightly.
"I just love food."
I horn sounded in the front yard as I made my way towards the front door.

I slurped at my fruit cup as I gave a wave to Sam with my free hand. I stepped out of the front door,locking it behind me as I made my way to her car. I smiled at Alex in the passenger seat and slipped in the backseat.

Sam pulled out of the driveway and began to drive towards school.

She glanced at my through the rear-view mirror. ''Wanna talk about it?''

I continued to look out the window. I shook my head no before I realized she couldn't see me.

''No, I'm fine you know.'' I made sure my voice sounded light and clear. It's not really anything to worry about anyways. I don't wanna worry my friends or anyone for that matter.

She pulled into the school,parking somewhere along the side in the packed parking lot.

We slipped out of the car and headed into the building, or hell. Whichever you prefer.

The halls were packed and loud,as always. I could usually handle all the noise but I was feeling quite irritable today. My brows set in a slight furrow as I made my way through the halls.

Some people were just obnoxiously loud,especially this quirky blonde girl talking to some brunette right next to my locker. I opened it,taking out the books I would need now or later in the day.

''It's seemed like forever since Ryder's thrown a party. It's seriously gonna be the best one there is!'' I flinched slightly at her squeal.

''Everyone already knows it's Bella who's planning the party.'' The blonde nodded her head in agreement.

''It still doesn't change the fact that it's at Ryder's house. It's gonna be freaking awesome and that's where I'll be Friday night.''

I zoned out of their conversation as Alex appeared right next to me. ''She's seriously one of those girls you'd only find in high school movies.'' I chucked at his statement.

''You're right on that one.'' I closed my locker and turned to my friends.

''Do you guys wanna go to that party.'' I honestly would rather be anywhere but there but before I could answer Sam decided for us.

''Sure,maybe a good party will do you some good.'' She smirked at me slightly. ''And who knows maybe we'll be able to reek a little havoc on that party.'' I laughed a bit and smiled,receiving one in return.

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