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         I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. I slightly opened my eyes before I was engulfed in warmth,drifting off to sleep. That is until I remembered what day it was. Monday. And that meant I had school.God I hate Monday's. With a groan I slowly sat up and headed for the bathroom,leaving my bed in a messy disarray. I shuffled to the bathroom,shivering as my feet hit the cold wooden floor.

I was on my way to doing my daily routine before I felt myself being constricted around my waist and legs. A slight scream erupted from my throat. I quickly turned around as a groan was heard from my assaulter.  My eyes adjusted to the slight change in surroundings to see a sleeping Ryder might I add, in an adorable sleeping state. Wait no! It's not cute! I gave myself a slight pinch on the arm for my ridiculous thoughts. I quickly but slowly began to shuffle away,making sure not to disturb him.

I grabbed my phone from nearby before grabbing my outfit for the day. Black skinny jeans paired with a white arctic monkeys t-shirt  from my white rustic dresser. I quickly got to the bathroom and did my morning routine; consisting of a quick shower and brushing my teeth. I had just finished brushing gel throughout my hair, styling it in a messy quiff when my alarm went off, signaling that is was 6:15.

I jogged down the stairs in a slight hurry, almost slipping along the way, hitting my knee. I stopped in my tracks to grovel in pain. ''Fuck! Im such a clutz.'' I talked in a hushed manner,trying not to wake anybody.

''Sweetie? Are you ok?'' I winced slightly as I got down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I waved at my mom, standing in front of the stove in a baby blue checkered apron.

''I'm good mom, I just hit my knee is all.'' She nodded,not bothering to turn around.

''I've told you not to run with socks on.'' I nodded my head in defeat, already having been told this line before.

''Yeah,yeah. I know.''

I sniffed the air, feeling my mouth water. Blueberry pancakes, yummy. My mom turned around, a stack of pancakes in her hand. I began reaching for the plate before she frowned at me.

''Nope, none for you.'' She sat the plate on the table, out of my reach before returning to the stove. I was about to ask why when she turned towards me, whisk in hand and motioned towards the stairs. A groan left my lips before I reluctantly got up and trudged towards my room.

''If you keep going at that pace, your food will be cold by the time you get down here!'' I picked up my pace. I won't lose the warmth of my food at the expense of that bastard.

Once at my door,I stormed in,not caring if I woke him or not. I groaned when he didn't move at all, not even an inch. I shuffled over to him and crouched down,giving him a slight poke. Still no response. Ugh, this damn deep sleeper. I tried once more, only to get a mumbled in return. I was going to try again but the next the I know the damn bastard drags me down with him,pulling me to his chest. I brought my arms up between us, pushing myself away. He only brought me closer. I groaned in annoyance. I took back my hands and grabbed the pillow from up under his head before I smashed it in his face. ''Let go dirt bag,we have school. And I refuse to sacrifice my food for you.'' He slowly opened his eyes and just looked at me before yawning. He stopped for a minute, seemingly processing the situation. A look of realization slowly appeared on his face,taking over the once confused expression. I got up and quickly ran to the door.

''By the way, my mom said to come down for breakfast !''


I was already seated and had a couple  of bites of my meal by the time Ryder was fully dressed and ready for school. I shoved the rest of my food in my mouth,standing up from the table. I grabbed my bag from the floor,leaning against the leg of my chair.
"Mom, I think I will get a ride from Sam today."
Ryder took a seat across from the one I was just sitting at. My mom placed a plate in front of him before turning her attention to me.
"Nonsense,you can just go with Ryder. His car's already parked out front. Now sit back down and finish your food."
I sighed in defeat,taking the seat before me.
"Fine,fine." She placed a few more pancakes onto my plate before she took a seat and began eating as well.
After finishing my meal I put the dishes on the sink and made my way to the door.
Ryder soon followed after unlock his black Mercedes along the way.
I sat in the passengers seat, placing my bag on the floor between my feet.
He snapped his seat belt into place before casting me a side glance.
"Don't just sit there like an idiot,put on your seatbelt." I rolled my eyes and did as I was told, with a snappy remark following of course.
The drive to school was pretty quite. When the school came into view I insisted for him to let me off at the gate but the ass totally ignored me! He drove pass the gate and parked in his usual parking space; just to the side of the front parking lot.
I quickly got out of the car,ignoring, well attempting to ignore all the nasty and envying gazes and glares sent my way.
I'm really resenting my stupid ass decision. I should of just called Sam. Damn,why ate people so nosy. I flipped off anyone who stared to long and sped off to my locker. I looked for Sam along the way but she was no where to be seen. When I was just a few steps away from my locker I was stopped by a fuming Bella; may I remind you whose sporting a broken nose.
Her groupies stood off to the side,looking like strippers ready to preform.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with my boyfriend."
I raised my eyebrow and opened my mouth,not really sure how to answer her dumb question.

Before I could say anything Sam stood in front of me, not looking very happy this morning. "What? Did you want me to break another bone in your body?"
Bella let out a tell of frustration,which sounded more like a dying rat if you ask me.

Before I could say anything to Sam she grasped my hand and began dragging my down the halls, to our usual place: the football field.
There was a slight breeze outside. Not the kind where your shaking your ass off but the nice kind when you wanna stay outside and skip class.
We sat outside, just gazing at the open,newly watered grass. My thoughts soon drifted back to Ryder. I allowed a sigh to escape my lips before running a hand through my quiff.
"Sam..I honestly don't even know what to do anymore. That bastard is driving me insane!"
I stomped my foot down in anger.
"Who the fuck does he think he is. Suddenly thinking he just has the right to waltz in my life like it's ok."
I let my head fall onto Sam's shoulder,feeling my anger disappear only to be replaced with frustration. "I really don't know what to do anymore Sam..." She began running her manicures black fingers through my hair.
I felt my eyes tear up at the thought of why we use to be. "It's ok Derek." A strangle chuckle escaped my lips followed my tears.
"Fuck, I'm such an emotional reck." I laughed through the mix of tears, all the while Sam rubbing my back. I shook my head into her shoulder.
"I just don't want to be heartbroken anymore Sam. I don't think I could take it a second time." I stood up in frustration, stomping my feet down onto the bleachers below my black converse. "Ugh! That damn bastard! Who does he think he is!" I threw my hands up in the air as if I was reaching for something far out of my reach. I gazed at Sam staring straight ahead into a field of green. I whipped any remaining tears before sitting down. "Damn this is pathetic."
She shook her head slightly,disagreeing with what I've said.
"No it's not. He's just a dick who plays with peoples feelings. Your bound to feel frustrated." I smiled at her slightly and just sat there,enjoying the cool breeze. I slowly found myself slumped against Sam drifting off to my own world.
I was woken up by someone shaking me lightly. I slowly opened my eyes to see Sam peering down at me. I slowly got up and stretched. "Damn,that was a good nap." A yawn slipped past my lips as I grabbed my bag from the floor,following Sam down the steps.
"How long was I sleep?" She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking.
"What period is it?"
"2nd period is about to end, so you haven't been sleeping long."
So I can make it to 3rd period, good.
We continued on ahead and made it to the halls.
I spotted a flock of red hair through the crowd. "Alex!" I wave my hand in the air drawing him to us.
He made his way over to us, a tiny of pink coating his cheeks as he gazed at Sam.
I gazed between the two,watching as he got closer. His smile faulted when he looked at me. "What happened to you?" He pointed to his own eye,referencing what he meant.
I shrugged my shoulders,placing my cool hands onto my eyes. This feels like heaven.
I let my hands fall down to my waist, and chuckled a bit. "Not much,I'm fine. I'll catch you guys later." I waved my hand as I walked away,heading for third period.

Authors Note
Hello fellow humans~ how's it going. I wasn't gonna update today but I got off my lazy behind and decided to do something.
How's everyone's day? Eventful I hope. Mine wasn't. This chapter has 1803words. 😅 don't know how much there was before I added this note and now there's more. Anywhooo I hope you continue to read my story!
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