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We could hear the music blasting from the outside.There had already been a few drunks walking out along with a long line of people waiting to get in. I usually go to this club and I knew the owner quite well,so I just walked straight to the front. The bouncer looked at us then to our IDs. He gave a slight nod of his head and allowed us in.

When we first go in a mashup of Fifth Harmony Worth it  was playing. The club smelt of alcohol and bodies. I could tell the difference of temperature as soon as I walked in. We weaved our way through the crowds of sweaty bodies, doing dances that imitated sex.

When we got there I ordered a Washington apple shot while Sam got a cherry lime. Alex didn't get anything, since he would be the designated driver, or he so he says. After we had a few drinks we decided to hit the dance floor. I grabbed their hands and made my way to the open space I'd found. I was sandwiched between the too, Sam in front of me, with Alex in back. I'm sure Sam was tipsy because she usually doesn't like me dancing against her.

I swayed my hips to the music and ground onto Alex and Sam. Sam ran her hands through my hair, soon making there way to find Alex's hands and placing them on her waist. She continuously rubbed up against me as she danced, making sure to move Alex's hands along with her. I quickly stepped out from between the two. 

''I'm gonna go get a drink.'' Alex nodded his head and then placed it onto Sam's shoulder, grinding against her and moving along with her body. I chucked while walking off. They're so cute, I can ship em'. I made my way to the bar, but stopped in my tracks when I saw Ryder with his slut of a girlfriend Bella,basically rubbing her ass against his pants covered dick.

For some reason it just pisses me off, I quickly ordered a Fuzzy Navel and walked back to the dance floor. I started dancing wildly, getting drunk off my ass. I began to grind on the person I'd soon found myself dancing with. They're rock hard chest felt good on my back, swaying my ass to the music I found hands rubbing against my chest and soon going down south. I turned to my partner. There stood Ryder, hair matted to his hair from the heat. I glared at him and took a step back, well tried. He had a tight hold on my waist and stared into my eyes.

 Alex P.o.v

Sam had gotten tired of dancing and wanted to get another drink, so now we sat the bar getting more drinks. I had ordered a beer, careful not to get drunk, since I'm driving them home. The heat in this club was probably getting to Sam, since her dress almost stuck to her like a second skin. Sam was taking a swig of her Smirnoff before she turned to me and said,'' maybe I should stop.'' she seemed drunker than she did before, as her words slurred at the ending. My reply was cut short when a random guy came up behind Sam and placed a hand on top of hers. 

''Nah, you should continue. I'll even buy you a drink sweet thing.'' I quickly wrapped an arm around Sam and pulled her closer to me. '' Shes with me so leaver her alone.''

The guy didn't seem to appreciate my words since he sent a glare my way, but he seemed to become even more persistent after that. '' Come on sweet thing, I'll rock your world tonight.''

He took Sam's arm and tried to pull Sam away until she snatched it back. She glared at him and hit him in the balls, he bowed over in pain, muttering bitch. She glared at him as he dropped to his knees,'' didn't you hear him you dumb fuck? He said I was with him.'' Her words slurring in between her sentences. She fully stood up and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the dance floor right behind her. As we made our way to the middle of the floor, Sam bumped into someone, stumbling back a bit.That person just so happened to be Bella.

She stared at us and scoffed ,'' Look at you being a little whore,you and your boyfriend. Who do you think you are, touching me. And you need to control your little boy toy. He's feeling up on my Man!''

Derek's P.o.v

When I couldn't stand being in his arms anymore I pulled away with all the strength I had.My heart was racing and my breathing had become shallow, but I wouldnt let that affect my words.The music just became a background noise.'' Let me go I have to go now.'' He stared down at my with a displeased look on his face. Before I could walk away, he grasped my hand.

''stay with me.'' I looked up to his face, getting lost in his gaze. I quickly snapped myself back into reality when I realised it wasn't worth it. I slapped his hand away,'' No, this is wrong.''

I walked away with him following directly behind me.

I made my way over to my friends, I ended up tumbling into Bella who was arguing with Sam , much to my despair.She looked at me then to Ryder, who was right behind me, she shrieked and turned to me,'' you dumb fag! Are you trying to steal my man?!'' Sam let out a chuckle.''Say the one who has a different guy in their bed almost everyday.You propably have STDS'' Before she could say anymore Bella screamed out in frustaration and turned towards me and began yelling.'' First, stay away from my man! And control your girlfriend!'' 

I stopped her right there and pointed to Sam.'' She is not my girlfriend. Second of all I wasn't  trying to steal your man! He was coming onto me!'' Bella began to pick up her hand, but before she could do anything Sam turned her around and punched her dead in the face. Bella screeched and sounded like a dying rat. She brought her hand up to her nose and covered it.''You broke my nose you crazy bitch.'' She grabbed a fist full of Sam's hair and tried to pull her down, but Sam grabbed Bella's hair and scratched her face. She was going to do more but Alex pulled her back.'' Shit the police are here, we gotta go.'' The policemen were making their way through all of the sweaty bodies on the dancefloor, that had formed when we hadn't noticed. 

Alex grabbed both of our hands and dragged us out to a nearby exit.

When we got out of the club, a slight chill hit my face signaling the end of summer and the beginning of fall. I let the cool air consume me as my body cooled down. I almost tripped and fell on my ass, but Alex quickly caught me and brought me to the car. Sam and I were sat in the back seat while Alex took his place in the front. My head was pounding and my stomach was clenching . As we drove to Sam's house I began to feel nauseous. We had to pull over so I could empty out my stomach, Sam following soon after. I would probably have a hangover that's gonna bite me in the ass in the morning.

Sam had fallen asleep on the ride home so Alex had to carry her to the door, making me unlock it .I locked the door after he stepped in, Sam snuggled into her arms more. I chuckled at the cuteness. '' Well aren't you her knight in shining armor.'' A pink tint covered his cheeks.'' You guys would make a great couple.'' If possible his face turned the shade of a tomato.'' I've known Sam since we were tots and I just want someone good to take care of her. I  know you can do that.'' He gave me a smirk when he finally got up the stairs. ''Argh, I get so soft and sentimental when I'm drunk, so just ignored what I said.'' I walked into Sam's room while he sat her softly on her bed and tucked her in. ''You know I may be falling in love with her, I guess you can call it love at first sight.'' I laughed a bit. ''Now look at who's sentimental.'' I layed on the bed next to Sam, scooting in the middle, I patted the spot next to me. Alex made his way over and laid with his back to me. I let myself relax when his breath slowly steadied, signaling his slumber.

I stared up at the ceiling in thought. I honestly don't understand why Ryders such a dick, or why he bothers associating himself with me. He's abandoned me once and I won't allow him back into my heart to do it once more.....

Authors Note

Hello~ It's been a while right? Well yeah, I hope you've enjoyed the story as always.How's life? Did anyone else go trick or treating. I feel like a stalker cause I found my crushes snapchat, I think. I don't know but yeah hope you enjoyed this part and yay for 1623 words. So that means more than the last, so yay! By the way is anybody enjoying the school life? Cause im not :< can't wait for 8th grade to be over because then i'm free from that dreadful school. Wish me luck, i have to return tomorrow.

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