The Morning

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Dear Diary,

Tails said I should start to use you a bit more. Someone finally noticed. He asked if I was alright, I said that I was fine. It worked I had thought, until I walked into my room to see you laying on my pillow. I don't think you'll help that much though. See I love my rival. Shadow is the complete opposite to myself. Most would think, ' Why would you love your rival, no less someone who tries to kill you every day?'. Well my answer would be, I love him beyond time, beyond every galaxy, all the way to the end of the universe, and back. I love the way his eyes glisten around Amy, the smirk that he usually wears around me gone, well replaced with a gentle loving smile. The tense mussels relax as he holds her. I want to be the one to have that effect on him.

I only noticed when they started to date that the feeling I always had in the pit of my gut when we fought, when his shoulder might bump mine, I would always get flustered or nervous. That was my body trying to tell me that I found love. I just kept pushing it to the side saying I would tell him. But it's too late now. He would never love his rival, no less a male. So I love someone who won't love me back. But it is to late to stop the love for him in me.


********** the morning **********

After I closed the deep red cover of my diary, I hop off my bed and make my way down the hall way. As I enter I can smell the aroma of pancakes being cooked.

"Morning." said the twin tailed yellow fox, who was cooking on the stove top, in fount of me.

"Good morning Tails." I said as I made my way to the island bench.

"Are you using your diary Sonic?" he asked, now placing the pancakes onto a plate. I nodded in a yes response. "Going to tell me what's wrong?"

"No" but how I wish I could.

Sitting down beside me, he hands me a plate with two average sized pancakes. Then he gets his. You see I can't tell anyone for how I feel. I can't tell anyone that I love Shadow. I won't barge into someone's life to tell them my problems, their the ones who come to me for a solution to the problem in their life. I'm the hero, people think that we hero's wont have an issue in life. So I don't say anything.

"I'm going down into the workshop," stated my little brother as he placed his honey covered dish into the sink. "Call me if there is any problem."

I watched as he made his way down the steps into the basement, that I made into a workshop for the fox for a Birthday present 5 years ago. He loved it. I then hoped up walked over to the sink to wash up the frying pan, two plates and cutlery. As the warm water was making it's way into the sink I then add some soap onto a cloth and stop the waster to wash up. My bare furred hands gliding onto the dishes, but it's only half heartedly. My minds some were else.

I was always told that I would find the one I love, someday and they would love me just as much. I found the one I love but the feeling is not returned. Love everyone has found it but me. First it started Rouge and Knuckles, three years. Then Amy and Shadow dating for two years. Cream and Tails only started to date a month ago.

Once every dish was placed neatly into the shelves after I washed and dried them, I head back to may room to get my gloves and shoes. The gloves sliding onto my peach hands, I then head over to the window. At the bottom of it sits my famous runners, the gold buckle shining in the suns glow. The red and white complementing one another. After I placed them over my socked feet I then head out of my room.

Once I'm out of my room I head over to the door to go and have a run. To race with wind.

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