Be The Best

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Most people, in general, grow up, earn a living, raise a family, then they...


Because they quit.

They stopped at what they thought was good enough.

They finished college and got a well paying job, they thought it was good there.

They thought they were happy.

They. Stopped.

You have dreams! Goals!

And whether or not you achieve those things, is up to you.

It's not up to your mom or your dad.

It is up to you.

Whether or not you want it!

So where do you begin?

You miss 100% of the shots you miss.

A 100% is a lot.

Especially on a math test.

So never stop.


Fear stops you.

Courage keeps you going.

It's not who you are that keeps you back. But who you think you're not.

I don't know you're dream. But I do know one thing, it's possible. It's not easy, but it's possible. You will come across a lot of pain, a lot of disappointments, failures, tears, tantrums, cracks, holes and stumps.

So why do we get all of these bumps and bruises?

And why does it always seem to happen to us?

I don't know.

Sorry. I don't have an answer.

But I can give you this..

Greatness exist in all of us, in some it's a spark, some a flame, and in some a burned out piece of nothing. Because that person let someone tell them they couldn't do it, they let themselves be trampled, kicked, pushed, shoved, spit, punched, slapped, scratched, clawed, bit, chewed, stomped, thrown, dropped by someone. They didn't stop them.

They could of.

But they didn't.

You all have that spark, of idea, of greatness inside of you, you need to take that lighter your mom told you not to touch and light that son of a b***h on fire.

Let it surround you.

Let it be known my many.

Let them know you were the one!

You did it!

You won!

You succeed!

You showed them!

You spend more time trying to fit in, trying to have the latest trend, trying to get top gossip. You spend so much time with these people that you know more about them then you do yourself!

I dare you.

I triple-dog-dare you to spend time with yourself.

Get to know who you are as a person.

Get to know what your thoughts are.

Your feelings.

Your hobbies.

Your likes and dislikes.

Your favorite movie.

Your favorite music.

Get to know you!


Not the person trying to be like everyone else!

Because you will never be in first place as a copy-cat.

You will never win if you copy somebody.

You must be unique!

You must try something new!

Get the losers out of your life!

You are unique.

You are the best.

Be the best you can be, and after that be the greatest.

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