Healthy {part one}

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Choosing an apple instead of a cookie once in a while isnt eating healthy.

Skipping a cup of soda and having water instead isnt being healthy.

Choosing a small portion of cake instead of a large piece is not being healthy.

Being healthy means eating good foods all the time, 24/7, no junk crap.

Being healthy is taking care of yourself! Washing your skin, brushing your teeth, working out, drinking water instead of soda not only once but all the time.

If you, go to a fruit market and get real homegrown food! You dont even want to know what they put in the food you buy.

Choosing a salad at mcdonalds isnt healthy.

There is this thing called:ORGANIC.

Its real food.

I said it. REAL.

Look around the food aisle where you grocery shop, you will see the organic optioins and organic stuff is actually really good.

Read the ingredients on what you eat, you would be surprised on what they put in your food.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is not good for you.

You need to control what you put in your body.

Dont acceopt the foods grocery stores and dare i say it the government is giving us to eat. because its not going to help you.

If you choose to eat healthy, i mean like really healthy you will find yourself feeling better about yourself.

So go on the internet and look up healthy food options you would be surprised. 

Drink water instead of soda.


Just go and look stuff up, healthy diets, workout routines, anything really.


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