Not Completely Broken

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I'm the girl with the scratches not caused by razors.

I'm the girl with the bruises not caused by the hand.

I'm the girl with the messed up hair not caused by sex.

I'm the girl with bags under my eyes not caused by a hangover.

I'm the girl with a scratchy voice not caused by drugs, but by cheering for your so called friends.

I'm the girl with hair on my legs.

I'm the girl with lumps and bumps

I'm the girl life and reality beat up hardest.

But gues what?

I'm a strong independent woman.

I'm Perfect.

For those of you who dont cut, arent abused and overall have a good life, but still feel like life is just beating you over ad over again with stress and drama.

Then same here girll\boyy.

Your friends do stuff that you don't like but you don't have the guts to tell them to stop, such as drinking and smoking.

Your friends cuss like it's their second language, and you mentally cringe at every F bomb that drops.

Your siblings outshine you with their achievements even though their younger, yes they got a 100% on their spelling test...but their in the 2nd grade! Look at me! I got a 95 on my geometry test!!!

Your parents quite paying attention to the good things you've done and only focus on the bad things that aren't even really that bad...missing one homework assignment and or being 10 minutes late home.

Your ignored by outer family, because 'Look at little Sally! Lost her first tooth and your hair oh my it's gorgeous!' ....'I made the varsity basketball team?'

Your friends slowly talk to you less and less because your not into drugs or sex.

Your teachers don't pay attention to you, because your an average, only the 100% on every test students and the flunking students get attention! even thin you desperately need help otherwise your parents are going to be screaming when you get home about your C.

The lunch lady doesn't remember your name even though you've been attending that school for quite some time,

People no longer ask you to be partners in group stuff in class, because your quiet.

I'm an average to,

My friends like the whole sex, drugs rock and roll thing, I don't have a problem with rock and roll, but sex!? At 15?!

I get some attention from teacher, but only when I force it.

C's are F's on my parents eyes,

I'm being forced to try harder and harder, even though I'm giving it all I got,

I'm dead nervous for everything, life is going to fast.

I'm sure one or two of you is just like me.

Your a average.

And it hurts doesn't it?

To be ignored by almost everyone.

But then, you get that week every once in a while, when your best friend is having a fight with her/his other friend and suddenly, your wanted again, and you cherish it, because you know by next week she/he will be at it again.

You put up with it, in hopes that she/he will see that life isn't all about sex, drugs, clothes, makeup, etc.

You hope and pray that they will realize that you were always there, whenever they needed you.

You never backed down, you always stood up for them, even when you desperately wanted to talk smack about them because your hurt,

Everybody is pushing you to try harder, but your tired.

You want to leave,

Run away and start a different life, even though your only 15 or so years old, you wanted to escape,

Move somewhere where nobody would know you, dye your hair and get a job, live a fake life at least until your 18.

Because your done, done with being pushed and shoved to do things you don't want to.

Your tired of being ignored, you want to be wanted again.

You want someone to call you and say 'wanna hang out?' But most importantly you want to be the first person they call.

You want text in the morning to wake up to, even if it's just from a friend, at least you know they were thinking about you.

You want your phone to ring when your sitting around bored in your house.

You want a life,

But your stuck trying to please everyone and everybody, and it's getting to hard,

So what's stopping you from leaving?


Oh yeah....

I might get caught.

>>>>ill edit this later.<<<<<:)

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