45 Wise Words

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1. Always knock before you enter.

2. Leftovers don't taste as good the next day.

3. Girls fart to.

4.your dancing may not be the best, but making a fool out of yourself is a whole lot better than sitting alone on the bench

5. Thank the bus driver

6. Never ask a woman if she is pregnant.

7. You don't choose your own nickname.

8. A handshake/hug beats an autograph

9. Never lie to your doctor

10. You only get one chance to notice a new haircut

11. If a street performer makes you stop walking you owe him money

12. There are a lot of ways to enter the pool, not including the stairs.

13. Wave at kids on school buses.

14. Wave to anyone you want to.

15. Always accept an outstretched hand

16. Say " thank you" and "please" a lot.

17 never waste an oppurnity to tell someone "I love you."

18. Return borrowed vehicles with a full tank of gas

19. Learn 3 clean jokes

20. If you HAVE to fight, punch first and punch hard

21. A woman brought you into this world, you have no right to disrespect one

22. If your phone battery is dead by the end of the day, you need to get out more.

23. If you got one hand in your pocket your other hand better be doing something good.

24. sing. even if you terrible, it makes you feel good.

25. Don't think to much.

26. In the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years.- Abraham Lincoln

27. If youre going to be two faces, at least make one of them pretty.-Marilyn Monroe

28. Those who love to eat are always the best kind of people.

29. If your age is on the clock your to young for the c**k.

30. "It's Monday!" cant be your excuse everyday.

31. Only mothers know what its truly like to be "exhausted"

32. A meal without wine is called breakfast.

33. Car grease under your fingers means you know what your doing.

34. If they dont share your candy with you, you dont have to talk to them.

35. Its okay to wet the bed sometimes.

36. Life is not a MP3 where you can play what you want, But life is like a radio where you have to enjoy whats playing.

37. Not everyone understands your humor, so dont press the joke.

38. Customers arent always right. That jacket so does not look good on her.

39. Only chew on a pencil if you physically bought it.

40. Cheat during monopoly, but learn not to get caught,

41. Fun size candy bars arent an ideal christmas present.

42. Its okay to like a song that doesnt play on the radio.

43. Trix isnt just for kids.

44. wrapping a present neatly is a talent.

45. do what you love even if others hate it, you still eat your favorite food even though some think its gross.

>>>Sorry for any mistakes! My bad, I got these from pictures, videos and thoughts in my head and some my family. love you all!:)

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