High School

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This is for anybody starting or in high school at the moment.

Alright starting high school, its scary ain't it? A whole new big school full of older kids, You went from being the top of the school to the bottom. Its a bit scary.

So, here's some advice, and i now probably everyone you've talked to probably said something along the lines of "Its not so bad, you'll like it after a while" "Its not that much different" 

But that's a bunch of bull.

High school is so much better than middle school!!

There's more freedom in almost everything  you do, The teachers usually treat freshman softly at first, since its a whole new experience so your first week or so will be really easy.

School Lunch doesn't get better.

Trust me.

It will never get better.

High school means more teachers, so if your lost never be afraid to ask. The teacher will just tell you the way and you'll be on your way.

Don't be afraid of getting a tardy or being a little bit late to class. I now its kind of a scary thing sometimes because you don't want the teacher mad at you. But if your on time most of the month or year, which ever, the teacher will sometimes let it slide. You cant make it a habit though. If your late, just tell the teacher what you were doing, and if you get marked down, its not going to kill you.

Getting a D on a homework assignment is not going to kill you either. Try your best and I know some parents always seem to scream to you about keeping your grades up, but as long as your overall grade is good, you'll be good.

Don't be shy during group projects, just talk to your group and get it over with.

Presentations are really scary especially if you have a hard time talking to people, but what I found useful is if the teachers allows it just read off the poster or slide show, whatever it is your doing, or if your have to look at the class, Just look at the back wall, or someone you know in the class. Don't look at people you don't know so well it will make you nervous and try to make eye contact with the teacher at least once.

You have a right to speak up in class, you can give your answer. If its wrong then so what, at least you tried unlike the other completely silent kids.

So really high school will probably suck and you will probably hate it.

But make the most of the good memories. Because one day you aren't going to have these opportunities like you do now.

When your older your going to be wishing you did more. 

Everybody wishes that.

Make the most of high school

and i cant really tell you what high school is going to be like for you, Its something you have to experience by yourself then you can have your own personal view on it.

So. have fun.

See ya later alligators.


Hello readers!

I have 39 reads! Which is alot for this "book" which I just started to kinda vent my....frustrations? 

I guess, but 39 reads and 11 votes <3

It really means alot.

So if and only if you feel like leaving a comment, Tell me about a embarassing moment that you laugh about now that happened to you in school. It can be about anything, falling down, spilling something, making some weird noise that you didnt realize you could make in a silent class room.

Heres one of my many.

In 5th grade we were playing this game called "Silent Ball" and basically we all  sat on our desk and threw a ball around, we had to catch and throw it being completly silent, and if you dropped the ball then your out. Well, I threw the ball and as I was retreacting my throwing arm. I let a huge fart rip out, Like seriously the people on either side of me jumped like 50 feet in the air it scared them so bad.

I froze in my seat completely embarassed, and of course the entire class was trying not to laugh,  because they didnt want to be out, well some couldnt hold it in and they all burst out laughing, the guy behind me had his eyes wide and cheeks bulging he was trying not to make a sound, then he just starting laughing and saying "I cant, I cant! It smells so bad!!" So he was out, I got out an entire half of my class our of that round, It was so embarassing, I sat under my desk the rest of the game as others laughed at me. The room stank, people were plugging their noses, It was horrible. 

I was teased for like a month after that and we didnt play silent ball for a while either.

So.....Yeah silent ball is no longer one of my favorites. 

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