Teens and their freedom

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As teens we forget we actually have freedom. 

You can actually do what you want.

Now before you say, "I can't go to blah blah blah!!!"


You can stay up as late as you want, nobody is forcing you to go to sleep at a certain time. 

You can read what books you want to.

You can decide on how hard you work on your future right now.

You can decide to change your life right now.

You can decide how your gonna turn out in the long run

You can style your hair how you want

You can decide what makes you truly happy

You have so much more freedom then what you think you do, as teenagers we feel so controlled but really were not. We actually have so many choices in life, we can decide what to do right now, it just depends on us to actually take action on those choices.

You want to write a book? Go for it.

You want to take pictures? Do it.

You want to draw? Go right ahead.

You want to do anything? Go right on ahead champion.

You can achieve so much being so young, we still have a home to return to, and if you do fail. so whaT?!!?!? YOU TRIED AND THATS BETTER THEN NOTHING AT ALL!!

You want to change someones life? Well you cant do that sitting right here now can you?

You just have to believe you can first. Thats all. 


This is short, and I apolgize.

I havent update in a while, but here you go:)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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