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"It aint about how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."

You were up til 2 a.m. studying and working on that project, only to find out you failed or your project wasn't what they were looking for.

You worked so hard, you were ready to ace this.

But you still managed to fail.

After all that studying and preparation, somehow you still failed.

"fear of failure heads to faillure."

You were afraid you were going to fail or get fired? Why?

Why are you so scared?

It's just a simple F.

Were,so,scared of that letter. Why?

F on tests.


It doesn't make sense.

but were scared.

Cause you know, that if you fail this test or your project is turned down, you either going to get yelled at by your parents or fired.

But instead of just accepting the fact you got an F on your project or you were fired.

Question them, ask them were you went wrong, make them own up to what they are doing.

And if they give you a valid reason, that makes sense, the look them in the eye and say

"Ill do better next time."

"Your going to regret firing me."

"You made a mistake, firing me."

Make them scared! It will scare them if you challenge then, if you say next time I will do better I will finish this year with an A!

You never know.

Don't accept the fact you have bad grades, work for them. You know how good it feels when you have A's, top grade in your class. It feels amazing.

But of get out shined.

Your little siblings, other coworkers. Because no matter what they do, they will always be better than you.

Are you gong to accept that?


No your not.

Work for that satisfaction, not for others though, always remember that, do it for you.

Be better for you.

Work hard, play hard.

Do not accept a grade or being fired unless you know the reason behind it.

Because you are better than that.

So much better..l

Doesn't matter who you are, you can get an A.

You can be the boss.

You just gotta work,which is what sucks about this world, is some people work so hard for what they want, but then the people who can have whatever they want steal it from you,

But you can't let that get you down, just always know someday you will get there, keep trying, take every step, leap, jump, skip, hop you need to get there.

You can do it.

>sorry for errors:(<


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