The Devil's son Chapter Eight

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I'm proud.

Plz listen to the Maps-yeah yeah yeahs song in the part where I put it... PLEASE!! It just BELONGS HERE!!!

Thank you.

And oh, dont forget to comment and if you like this chap., vote.



Lucifer is getting WHAT?????!!!

"Lucifer... is... g-g-getting m-m-m-married?" I stuttered in utter shock.

"More or less. He's going to announce his union to another Demon tonight. Demons aren't really getting married. They unify." he said.

I stood there, my mouth hanging open. Lucifer. Married.

Lucifer. Married.

LUCIFER. MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I said, my voice almost a whisper:

"How are we going to stop it? Can we even stop it?"

"I don't know." he said cautiously. "It all depends on how convincing you can be." I heard the smile in his voice.

"Me? I have to convince him...?"

"Not to unify his destiny to the Demon chick he chose."

"I don't think he'll listen to me." I felt a lump forming in my throat.

"You have to try." he said, his voice ordering.

"You have a plan?"

"Of course I do."

"Between, what's your name?" I asked.

"Oh, how rude of me... I am Asmodeus, the Demon of Lust." he responded.

"Er, my name is Amelie. So what's the plan?"

"You play piano, right?" he began. I nodded. "So here it goes: I make you enter to the Great Ball, which is Demon's annual reunion, as a musician. You'll play piano while I am looking for Lucifer. When I find him, I'm going to get him to go to an empty room. Then I bring you to him, and you convince him not to announce his union to Leviathan today."

"Leviathan?? Isn't that a guy name? Lucifer is marrying a GUY??!!"

"No, it's a Demon's name. In Hell, there are no such things as boys' or girls' names." he said.

"Oh. Well, let's go then."

"You're not going anywhere dressed like that." he said flatly.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"I don't have any formal outfits." I said, panicked. "Not even one single dress."

"Huh, don't worry. I have been prepared to any possibility..."

I heard a soft shuffling sound and he said:

"I have a dress that would convince Satan himself to do whatever you want."


'She's quite hot. I really don't understand why Lucifer doesn't have sex with her...' thought Asmodeus as Amelie walked down the stairs.

The silk and lace black dress suited her perfectly, making her bronze skin look even more exotic. The bodice framed her perfect body and the long skirt seemed to be made of the night's sky. She had not even a bit of make-up on her face, but her eyes still dazed him, one turquoise, light-green and blue and the other one a light blue shade. Her dark hair fell freely down her back and the soft light made appear crimson-red highlights in it.

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