Redemption Chapter Fourteen

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Ugh, I feel like poop. I think I've got a nasty case of the flu... With any chance, my mom won't make me go to school tomorrow!! :D I hope, anyway.

I hope you like the chappie! I think you'll forgive Lucifer ;)


Chapter Fourteen

The next few weeks passed quickly. Between spending every minute of my spare time watching Remus, and trying to convince Lucifer that Romulus' brother was the crazy Demon killer, I manage to place in some visions. They are strange. I just get brief and confusing glimpses of some places, like a dark room, of my reflection in a mirror, of a corpse lying on the ground.

I can't make any sense out of them, as I seem to be unable to concentrate on any of them for more than a few seconds. At some times, I am sitting down, talking with Lucifer, and the next thing I know, I black out, pulled out of reality by a vision. Lucifer would then snap his fingers a few inches form my face, and even that couldn't get me out of it. I was beginning to get frustrated, as the visions provided me no information at all.

Allegra's alliance with me lasts, and seems to work out pretty well... for her anyway. She doesn't leave Lucifer even for a second. She's always there, a constant presence, a unmovable shadow, standing by his side, guarding him. Even when she isn't immediately beside him, I can sense he intense gaze on him, devouring him. I think that my lack of reaction at her admission of desire for him made her think that I didn't mind. Well, hell, I did! Sometimes, I just wanted to tell him to order her to go away, to leave us alone. But at the last moment, I always bit my tongue, remembering our alliance. I couldn't just shoo her away. She was keeping him safe. Keeping an eye on him. I wanted to yell that it was all right, that I was there to look out after him, but knew better. I had no power. Remus could get rid of me at any time. And every time I looked at that guy, a shiver ran up my spine. A shiver of fear and apprehension.

Ethan believed me, of course. But he wouldn't do anything for Lucifer, even if I begged and pleaded with him, threatened, screamed, cried... Used every weapon I could. But he was as hard as rock and wouldn't change his mind. As long as Lucifer was a Demon, he would do nothing to help him. I had tried telling him that by helping Lucifer, he'd help me, but he remained stubbornly indifferent. 

As for Adam, the brothers were his good friends, and since his own Sight hasn't warned him about them, he didn't believe me. He tried to reason with me, saying over and over again that I had been tricked, and I finally burst out yelling something among the lines of What do you think? That your Sight is better than mine? That I'm a foolish and incapable little human that sees enemies in every one?! Then let me tell you something, Adam. Just because you're friends with them doesn't make them saints! It's quite the contrary, really!

After that little speech, we hadn't spoken a word to each other.

I stopped talking to any of them, and slowly, even dropped trying to convince Lucifer. In all of this, I had one ally, and all she was trying to do was to steal Lucifer from me.

I was spending more and more time alone in my bedroom, on the verge of madness, assailed by visions and dark ideas, that had seemed to take permanent residence in my mind. I could stare for hours at the ceiling, ignoring the world around me, so concentrated on the world of visions that I couldn't seem to tell the brief Sights of future and past from the reality. I was beginning to really ask myself if they weren't right, if I hadn't just imagined the whole thing myself. The more I thought about the vision, the most blurry it got. At some times, I got so lost in my own musings that when I came back to reality, I remarked that Ethan was sitting on the edge of my bed, talking to me, and that I haven't heard one word of what he was saying. I never spoke back to him. I was angry at him, at Lucifer, at Adam; I hated Allegra and Remus, and resented Romulus for being so protective of his brother.

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