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July 7 , 2015 - 11:56 pm

2 weeks.

It had officially been 2 weeks since we decided it was time for a break. Neither of us really wanting to end things but we both needed the space. I was in the studio recording non stop and he was finishing up his ROWYS out tour. We promised each other that after their album release in October we would be together again.

It was hard. Harder than anything I had ever dealt with. Not being able to being able to call him mine, ya know? But honestly it's still the same.

He still text me every morning to tell me to have a great day. He text me every night to see how my day has been. And most of all, he still calls me just to tell me he loves me.

I still talk to the boys too. They were like brothers to me. They were a little shocked about the breakup, but they also know that we're end game.

Everyone knows now...even the fans. Honestly though that's not saying much, they probably knew even before we did.

My friend Niall even called me last night, just to see how I was doing. I told him I'm okay and that it was alright. That was a lie...well a half lie at least. I'm not okay and I'm not alright.

But I will be

But right now, I'm really not fine at all...

I know it'll get better. I know we'll end us together. I love him and he loves me.



Hi guys! I know his chapter is very short but it's just an introduction to give you a starting point. Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you!

My Twitter is calumxxcrush.

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