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October 20, 2015 8:47 am

It was almost time for my interview with Ellen. It had been almost a month since Luke had sent me the ill fated message. I tried to ask him why and meet up a few times but he refused and would not give me a reason. I knew something was up. What could have changed? Something definitely was up. I just didn't know what yet. I had all of next year though to find out what was going on and how to fix this.

The tour started in a few months and I wasn't even sure he knew about my affiliation in it yet. It wasn't made public yet, but I figured the boys would have said something about it. I still talked to the boys daily. There was something they definitely were not telling me though. I put in my ear piece and headed towards the stage. Show time.

Right before I walked out I heard Ellen introduce me.

"And I would like to welcome the newest pop/rock princess, Kaydence McGregor!"

I walked and and sat on the sofa. Cheers were felt throughout the room with made me smile. I love my fans.

After a few basic introductory questions she started asking things people actually wanted to know.

"I know you just released an album back at the end up July. You've had a lot of success with it. Can we be expecting a tour anytime soon?"

I knew it wasn't very professional to spontaneously announce this, but I though why not! It's freaking Ellen!

"Actually, I am! I don't want to give away to much but you can expect to see me on tour next year with a band who's very down under." I laughed at my own unsubtle hint.

She apparently knew exactly what I was referring to. "Does this band happen to be 5 Seconds of Summer?" And the crowd cheered. Obviously their were some fans in the building, which made me smile. I was so proud of all of them and it made me so happy to see their success grow.

I laughed as I spoke, "I would say there is a high possibility".

"So you're basically saying yes?" She asked as a question but it came more across as a statement.

"Yes", I smiled

"Well I have to ask, How are thing with you and frontman Luke Hemmings?"

I felt my heart drop. I should've prepared for this question, but I hadn't.

I bit my lip.

"Luke is an amazing guy - so talent, kind , funny. He's just so great. We've been together since we we're 15 years old when my parents moved to Sydney. We developed instant chemistry. But with that being said, when you're with someone for so long...and you're both constantly busy building your music careers, it becomes hard to keep a healthy relationship. We both decided it was better to take some time apart to really figure out what we want. We'll always love each other though."

"Do you guys still keep in contact?"

I clenched my teeth together and took a deep breath. I didn't want too many questions, especially since it would cause drama when we we're back together.

"Uh yeah, somewhat. We'll always be close. Again, when you're with someone for so long, they become such a big part of your life. It's such the "norm" to be able to text or call that person, so yeah, we still talk from time to time."

I felt proud of myself. I didn't give too much away, but still honestly answered the question.

"Could we expect to see you guys back together?"

"I would definitely say it's a possibility. Anything is possible. We're still in a very good place"

That was a lie. We weren't in a good place at all. We hadn't spoke in almost 2 weeks.

After that she changed the subject and we fished talking about my music inspiration and latest album.

After the interview I immediately picked up my phone and dialed one of my best friends numbers.

"Hello?" Niall said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey...got a minute to talk?"

"You know I always have time for you, what's up?"

I sighed in relief.

With that we talked for about an hour about how I was not doing well with the Luke situation. He just listened to me and comforted me. I was so glad to have him there for me for the past few months. Calum was one of my best friends too. We we're super close...but it put him in a really awkward situation with Luke because he was his bestfriend too, so I tried not to talk about Luke with him. I did miss him though. I haven't seen them since the tour ended so I decided to text him.

To: CalPal
Hey! I miss you! So excited for you about your album realease!!

To: Kaybay
Hey! It's so good to hear from you! I'm sorry, I've been so busy lately. And thank you! I'm stoked too! You should come to our album release party!

To: CalPal
I would love too! Can't wait!

And with that I had planned my first in person run in with Luke since our breakup.

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed! Remember to check out my other stories! Remember to comment! And it would be super awesome if you could share with people!

Much love xx

Twitter: calumxxcrushx

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