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November 18, 2015 1:27 A.M. - Sydney, Australia

Kaydence's POV

It was a rough night to say the least. After the Luke incident I did a too few many shots. What can I say? Tequila is not my friend. I could barley walk so Calum offered to carry me upstairs to my room and I happily obliged. As we got into my room I immediately fell onto the bed. Calum started to head out of the room when something inside me told me to tell him to stay.

"Cal?" I whisper

"Yeah?" He says as he turns around in the doorway

"Will you sleep with me tonight?"

I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or if there wasn't something inside me that just wanted him here...but I did. I needed to being laying next to him. I needed to feel his warm body pressed up next to mine...

He didn't even respond, he just closed the door and pulled his T shirt over his head and slid off his jeans. He climbed into the the bed next to me and didn't even hesitate to pull me close. I'm not sure if he'd remember this in the morning when he woke up but at this point I didn't even care. I felt like this is exactly where I was suppose to be...well at least where I wanted to be anyway...and with that I fell fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning and my head was throbbing with pain...as I looked next to me I noticed that my bed was empty as well. I frowned. I should've known that it meant nothing. As I reached for my cell phone on the night stand I noticed there was a bottle of water, 2 ibuprofen tablets, and a note.

I figured you might need this after last night. I'll be gone most of the day to see my parents but I'll be back tonight. Have a great day...I hope your head doesn't hurt too much.

Xx Cal

I smiled. I immediately picked up my phone and texted him.

Thank you so much. You are literally the best. Please hurry home, I miss you. Xx

Gahhh, So needy. I'll be home tonight. Don't give the boys too much of a hard time. ;)

Have a fun day with your family. I'll be home waiting ;)

I then realized how sexual that sound...but honestly I didn't even care. I decided to get a shower and head down to get some breakfast. I'm assuming all the other boys were still asleep or out so I grabbed a bowl of cereal and headed downstairs to the studio.

I sit there and within minutes I felt the inspiration come to me. I didn't know what was going on but for some reason I was flooding with ideas.

I ended up writing 7 songs....within 6 hours. I didn't even take a lunch break. I was so excited. I didn't know what came across me...but I sure as hell wasn't complaining. I called Jerry to tell him the news.

After the phone call I walked upstairs to see 3 of the 4 boys watching a movie. I was in such a good mood that I decided to go into the kitchen and cook for the boys as a surprise, hoping they would not notice. Calum still wasn't back and for some reason I really wanted to see him. He was one of the first people I wanted to tell about the good news.

About an hour and a half later Calum had finally got home and immediately saw me in the kitchen . I was just now finishing up the meal when he walked him.

"Someone's in a good mood" he said as he sat at the counter

"Well I guess that's what happens when you write 7 songs" I smile and I reach into the over and pulled out the baked chicken out of the oven

"Wait, you wrote 7 songs today?"

"Yep", I say popping the 'p'

"That's amazing, Kay, so can I hear them?"

"Nope, they're a surprise" I say as I finish up the mixed vegetables on the stove and finish the butter and garlic sauce for the bread.

"Well I can't wait to hear them" he smiles at me.

Eventually all the boys make there way into the kitchen.

"Fuck, Ash, do you have a jacket?"Michael says as he wraps his arms around himself in a shivering motion

"No, why? Are you cold? I can get you one" He says, seriously believing Michael was being serious.

"You might better, because hell must have frozen over if Kaydence is cooking".

The boys all bust into laughter.

I just roll my eyes "H A - HA very funny guys" I say rolling my eyes "now are you going to fix your plates or keep making jokes?

They immediately went for the plates without another word.

That night we finished by just spending time together and hanging out. At about midnight everyone seemed to be exhausted from the day and headed towards their rooms. Calum and I were the last to come up the stairs. As I head down the hallway I feel Calum grab my hand and roughly pull me back towards him almost pressed up against him.

"How about you sleep with me tonight?" He says in almost a whisper

I smile, "I thought you'd never ask" as I follow him to his bedroom

As we get into bed, I'm laying there against his bare chest playing with his fingers.

"Thank you" I say while still laying on him

"For what?" He asked confused

"For always being there for me, especially these past few months. It's been a living hell, but somehow you've managed to make it easier whether it was holding me while I cried, answering the phone in the middle of the night just to hear me vent, or making stupid jokes that weren't even funny just to make me smile"

I laughed at the last part before continuing

"You've been there for me since day one. You've been my bestfriend since we were 15 years old. You've seen me at my best and my worst. You've been the bestfriend every girl dreams of having. Honestly I don't know how I would've made it through this without you. So thank you"

As I finished I waited for a simple you're welcome, but what I got was much more. I felt his hand slowly grab my head and turn it towards him, and before I knew it, I felt his lips crashing into mine.

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed! Please please please remember to comment & vote! I love you all! Oh and the picture at the top/bottom is what I imagine Kaydence to look like. :)



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