Chapter 3

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It was a gloomy afternoon and I was sitting under the oak tree beside the baseball field of our campus. I was reading a history book of a vampire entitled "The Vampires Legend".I borrowed this book from the library of the Council Palace when we visits the councils in New Orleans..

I saw Timothy on the other side of the field kissing Quincy before he went to a practice. And the girl just giggled and find a seat to watch Tim..I just shook my head and continue reading. The team practicing for the upcoming campus sports feast. When I glanced again to Timothy, I saw him smiling to Quincy and not paying attention to the ball coming fastly towards him.. I heared his teammates called him to get his attention but seems like Tim cant hear them,his whole self was focus to Quincy...I was out of control..I throw my books away and run speedily to Tim's direction and push him down before the ball hits his face.

I was passed them by like a wind..they cant see me. Everyone was shocked specially Timothy..his teammates run towards him and Quincy who worriedly came too.

"Man!we called you that the ball is coming towards you and seems like you didn't hear us". Claud worriedly told his bestfriend and help Tim to get up.
"Its my fault cant concentrate because I'm here". Quincy worriedly hugging Tim.
And Tim cant utter any words and still on shock.
"Hey dude! Are you okay?are you hurt?".Maxwell asked Tim.
"Someone...push me..I can feel a cold hands push me.".Tim answered them.
"We haven't seen anyone who push you Timmy"..Quincy told him.
"Its weird..Is it my angel saved me?".Tim still cant believe about what happens to him.And everyone was just laugh at him..
"Are you joking dude?your on drugs?a badboy like you have no angels,okay".Maxwell told Tim while laughing hard.
"Lets go back to our practice and please concentrate before your handsome face bleeds". Claud told Tim and get back to practice.

"We saw it Stacey.."a cold voice coming from my back,its Lamont. I knew my friends saw it..and I was expecting that they will confront me.
"He was in danger.I just wanted to help,Monty".I face him.
"We know from the very beginning that we don't have to get involve on any humans business..."Lamont answered me with a hard voice.
"Monty ,I never forget that but I cant afford seeing humans will badly hurt and I know for myself that I can be able to help them,c'mon."I was defending myself to him.
"Lamont enough for that".it was Emil's voice,he is a big bother to us...
Emil,Hugh,Ignatius was also came to me.
"Stacey was just lost her control".Hugh speaks.
"But Stacey we hope,it wont happens again.Will you promise to us?"Ignatius ask me and I just nodded as an answer..Emil patted my head and they left.

I know,they were just concern to me and to all of us. Our life will be in danger if people will know and found out our true identity..

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