Chapter 6

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After the incident last night,I still manage myself to attend my classes on the next day..I'm not scared and guilty about what happens,those badass deserved it..but I'm still bothered of what would be Tim's opinion or thoughts about what he saw. And also,Quincy didn't come to school today so possibly she's with her brother now..

When the bell rings,I suddenly grab my bag and walk fastly to the door..I saw Tim following me as what I expected so I decided to walk on to a place away from other students eyes..I pause from walking and face him.."what do you want??".I ask him while showing my expressionless face.."I saw you last night..I mean everything happens last night".he face me with worried expression."So why you didn't call the cops or tell your gf that I was the one who made her brother and friends a bedridden...?"I ask him back enthusiastically..
"why should I??what they do is unacceptable..I was about to help you but I was amazed when you incredibly fight them back so easily"..Tim was still look so amaze.."I'm a martial arts fighter,unluckily to them coz they just underestimate me".I answer him bitterly."But Stacey,it was an unbelievable strength from the girl like you"..Tim was still full of doubts.."Stop doubting me Tim..and pls,mind your own..don't bother yourself about that nonsense thoughts..".I was mad and need to cool down myself..I took two steps away from him but he was suddenly grab my hand and pull me so I can face him again. He was suddenly look amazed once again..he saw my red eyes,I know.When I get mad,my eyes change to a red one..and the second one is, when he touch my hand he notice that it was cold as ice.."you're eyes turns to red and your hand is ice cold"..He flash a questioning expressions at me.."I didn't owe you an explanation Tim.Enough for this conversation..and please stay away from me before everything gets worst" ..on my warning tone voice and I run fast away from him..

I didn't attend my last subject and decided to killed my time in the forest..I'm reading my book under the tree until the dark of the night was full moon again.. I sit on a big rock while facing the moon..while closing my eyes,I absorb the energy and worship the moon.. my full vampire image was shown.. I smell the blood on the was an addicted scent..its from human blood.. I cant control myself for the first time so I was tracing that scent's location..I was sniffing to a direction everytime the wind blows on the night breeze..I almost near,I saw a wounded guy..he is still conscious but the blood on his arm was still dripping..Its a cut from a knife..I can control myself with human blood but how come this time I am uncontrollably craving his blood..I do not prey on the innocent eversince so I calm myself..I took a deep breath thrice and cool down..

I run towards him and founds out that he was Tim.."Tim?? Who did this to you?"I worriedly ask him.."I was came from a gang fight and someone cut my arm.I went directly here to hide myself".he was in pain.I think it was so deep so I pull out my handkerchief from my pocket and tied it on his wound to keep the pressure.. "I'll take you home Tim."I offered him a help and he just nods..I help him to get up and guide him to walk.We walk slowly until we reach his car..I offer him to let me drive for him.."Are you sure you don't want me to bring you in the hospital?".I ask him while I'm driving his car.."Just take me home,please"..he just simply answered me and tell me his address..when we reach his home,I park his car and help him getting off from his car..

"You can go Stacey..use my car so you can go home safely..I'm okey here..I can manage now." He told me.."No,I will take a taxi cab...are you sure you're ok?"I ask him to reassure. "Why are you protecting me,Stacey?you just told me this morning to stay away from you"..I was speechless on his question.Even myself,I cant control it..I was always there when he's on trouble.. It was a second time that I help and protect him from any danger.. but I still manage myself to answer him with all my expressionless face showed him "Not everyone you protect will be your friend..not everyone you protect will be someone you like"..I answered him with my deep tone so he can hear it clearly...I immediately turn back and walk away from him..Then I teleport when he cant see me in the dark..

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